Open Beta Date Announced

I figured a delay was bound to hit some time, but considering the holiday rush and what not, it is definitely for the better. More time to get stuff fleshed out, time for people to get some R&R with their families and others, and other things of that nature. Plus, not having to compete during the holiday rush either to get noticed...hope all goes well for you, GGG. :)
I was one of the ones hoping for a pre-holiday release, as I have down time during the holidays, but I'm totally cool with this announcement. It's very refreshing to hear the real details behind the release logic.

Most importantly of all, I appreciate finding this out now/today rather than 2 or 3 weeks from now. I personally still have plenty to do/learn in CB, so this just affirms that I have 6-7 weeks to do it, rather than 1-3.
I thought a december release was too good to be true. TO release it before december and still get a holiday, they would have had to release it next week or the week after.

To do it after christmas means GGG don't get a holiday.

So now that you have a set date, We understand why, and act 3 will be amazing.
"Minions of your minions are your minion's minions, not your minions." - Mark

Oh well. January 23rd is when my spring semester starts, so I won't get to savor grinding over the holidays...
My Keystone Ideas:
I love you guys.

All of you. Whatever may come with open beta, I will think about threads like this and feel truly honoured to be part of such an intelligent, understanding community.

My money was on a mid to late January date too. Maybe literally...

A few weeks after my bday works fine for me! -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.

Huh. My mace dude is now an actual cultist of Chayula. That's kinda wild.
January 23rd is a day after my birthday :) it'll be like two birthdays! not only that but it's my 21st birthday so if you see a crazy drunken duelist grinding balls deep then that'll prolly be me :D

Based GGG has given us the new diablo. i bow to thee.
keep up the good work guys. take all the time you guys need to get this game out the way you want.
As much as I had hoped for a December release, I'm glad you're taking some extra time to make sure everything is in tip-top shape. I don't expect anything less then the best from you guys, and I know you'll deliver. Congrats GGG... on the success PoE already is and on the success it will become in OB and beyond.
Last edited by JumboMaverick#5088 on Dec 4, 2012, 10:26:45 PM
W00t finally. So January 23rd huh looks like I am taking the 23rd, 24th, and 25th off work :)

This gives me a little more time to work through Far Cry 3 (Which is pretty fun by the way) and a few other games that have been sitting in my backlog.
My mother will not be pleased when I tell her that I will not be attending her 50th birthday party because POE open beta starts on the same day... Ahh well it's all about priority's, birthdays come and go but POE only launches once. :)

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