Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!
I would really apreciate one key! :)
phobosith@gmail.com |
not getting my hopes high though no harm trying. thanks in advance.
Would really appreciate one!
having a poe account would be awesome , wanted to try out all the builds XD
my friend signed up recently and i signed up awhile back and he got a key before me.. having a key would be nice :(
itzjustrob88@Yahoo.com |
Still looking for a beta key if anyone can spare me 1 i will glad thanks :(
I am still looking for a beta key!
All my friends already have invitations and they are waiting for me to play. Present a key please whitesoul.dead@gmail.com
Would be nice to get a key shadow.nic@mail.ru
I've been trying to get a key for ages to play with a mate. wuxia@abv.bg