Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!
Found this game a week ago and fell in love, saw multiple stream, got build and such.... i just can't wait a day more, need a key ^^
to much reply's xD ince initiative making this thread i will not ask for a key cause its almost impossible with this amount f replys so hint hint, could i get one hahah ^^ Il be soo greatful lxD PS ( no begging at alll )
to much reply's xD ince initiative making this thread i will not ask for a key cause its almost impossible with this amount f replys so hint hint, could i get one hahah ^^ Il be soo greatful lxD PS ( no begging at alll )
Hello PoE community, please I need a key, please :)))
If anyone has an extra key I would be very greatful if you could give it to me. I have been looking into this game quiet a bit on videos and streams and it reminds me so much of the good old diablo 2 days. I miss playing that genre of game since Diablo 2 is just all bots now and diablo 3 was a bust. Thank you for reading my message and thank you very much if you are kinda enough to give me a key. =)
I want this game real bad! Need a key <3
please, I need key :-(
Hello there, im really interested in trying PoE out, would anyone be willing to hand over a beta key?
Please, please, please give me a key =)
If Someone have a key, i want to play with my friends tonight, i am the only one without the game, they are waiting me.