Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!
" Got one, thx |
" Got the first one, thanks. |
Anyone having a spare key, please?
Thanks a lot, looking forward to test this game :) placeholder for creative sig
I would love to receive one key :) joao_sneka@hotmail.com
Have heaps of time on my hands now. Was dismissed my my job on Monday :(
would love a key djj9@students.waikato.ac.nz IGN: @poodamage
Could you please send me a key ? would be rly thanksful.
to : tomleroux13@gmail.com |
Been waiting a while now for a key and I would really like to start playing before open beta to figure out a good character build pm me if you got a spare please =)
can i plz have a key you may have all the reddit karma you want sockemfr3akk@gmail.com
I would love to receive one key :) joao_sneka@hotmail.com
can someone give me a key? another desperate player and a future witch from Brazil :)
please, 'd be really thankful. ainkz@hotmal.com |