Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

I wouldn't mind a key.
IGN: TeHHerzog

Member of Clan Det0x
Website Det0x.net
I'd like to have one beta key. Thanks. :)
I can't wait 7 days so please give me an invite:d THANKS
Since i can't play next week i'd love to get my hands on a Key.
I've been waiting for month without luck to get one and I couldn't buy it either because of the limited payment options ;(
I'd really apreciate if some nice person could PM a key. I'd be happy like a little child getting candy.
IGN: Darkrox (not my main, just for easy contact)
~ Yes i'm the Darkrox from Runes of Magic - World's #1 Guild Pravum 2009 - 2011 ~
Gimme a key, cuz why not :D
hey, i also would like to have a key^^
When the game is released, i will buy something in the shop to support the game.
I know, i could also buy a beta key to support, but i would like to wait for something like pets, for the most games i only support one time, when its free to play, but i will not pay for a game, i have not played. Same thing like playing cracked games, if that game is good, many players who have the cracked game buy the orginal game, to support them!
( sry for my bad english )
give me a beta key please!!! :) thankss
Last edited by predanitor#0565 on Jan 16, 2013, 11:39:02 AM
Can anyone give me a beta key? i've been waiting too long
Would love a key, 7 days is a long time in internet land
Would someone be so kind? I would enjoy one.

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