Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

please give a key, thanks in advance
This game looks great. I've been watching some youtube videos of gameplay and i like the diablo-esque style that diablo 3 just doesn't really have. And torchlight isn't cutting it either, this game looks perfect. Plus pvp?
I would play the shit out of this game.
Please, if you have an extra key, could you kindly PM it to me? Thank you kindly in advance :D

Many thanks m0bius!
Last edited by Kenja#6137 on Jan 11, 2013, 11:42:22 PM
please give a key, thanks in advance
I need a key too!!

Invite please :) dano_dart_8@hotmail.com
I feel like kind of a cheap bastard for begging here instead of buying a key or waiting the ten days for open beta, but I'd really like to get a handle on the game before it becomes openly available, and for various reasons of my own, I am not able to spend the ten dollars to purchase a key. Regardless of whether I get one or not, I look forward to playing with you all.
Hey guys I would love to have an invite to the game, and will pay the good deed forward to someone else if i get an invite along the way in game as well, I only got a few months left b4 i get deployed and would love to try out the game b4 I go thx in advance guys.
I know this is kinda late and all, but if anyone still has any extra beta keys it would be greatly appreciated to recieve a beta invite. Send me a message please if you are ever so kind to give me an invite. Thanks for reading this message, and thank you even more if you are willing to give me a beta ket.
I've got an extra key, figured I should give it away while someone can still take advantage of it. Enjoy!


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