Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!
Key please! :)
me too
please 1 key :) pw or pomios@gmail.com
I want to be a witch. Help required. jonasbojko@gmail.com
I promise to play this game nude for a whole week straight if I can get a beta key.
I've been pretty interested in this game for a while and i'll probably be playing it for quite a while. I would love to help you guys sort out some bugs.
i need this beta key! this game looks epic!
My dearly depraved deadly beta testers, I beg of you, give me a beta key to this particulary pathological path of Exile! I will be most gratiously generously greatful to any and all of you, my good people!
Would love one if anyone manages an extra, thanks in advance.
If at all possible, would appreciate a key.
Much love, -Kenzaru |