Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

krampus86 wrote:
damn, i wuz before, nooooooo:)
it was no difference pm or not pm, but that guy answered first by pm.
IXNooBI wrote:
kpoxa wrote:
wow, that took much longer than i thought, and i still did not get a FULLanswer to make it look a kind of a poem. But the fastest to give a correct short anwer "Sponge Bob" was psyhat0gg. Gratz!

Sponge Bob Squarepants :)

I'd love to get a beta key, seen some videos of this game and it seems really good.
I'd have supported the game but money situation isn't that good atm.

if i get another key, i'll surely give it to u ))
I'd Love a Key.
I'd like a beta key if possible.

Thank you..
I would like to get a beta key because i can´t wait to try it
i hate this timer. always sending invites who already lost ages ago !!! need some changes like: last online date checking system or something. %99 invites going to space !!!
i want a key or invite iam so sad with diablo 3 :/
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I would love a beta key. I thought I had access because of an email i received ages ago, but when trying to get started today I don't have access :(

let me know if you have a spare, thanks!
mihaelandjel@gmail.com please anyone

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