Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

I would love to get a key and try out the game a bit before open beta if anyone has a spare one.
Would really aprreciate a key if someone has one to spare.
please give me a key, lvoe this game
Hmmm.... My pokemon brings all the boys to the yard! Damn right, they're better than yours! Damn right, they're better than yours! I'm gonna beat you, 'cause I have a Charizard!

Hopefully someone spots this silly tune and has some sympathy! :)
I'd love to play this game!
I would love to get a key and try out the game a bit before open beta if anyone has a spare one.
Been around since 2011, still havnt received invite :( It sucks to see peoples accounts < 1 month old getting them before people like myself.

Key please/
Would love it if I can get a key , thankyou :D
Hey guys, very interested in playing this game but need a key. If I like the game I will gladly become a Bronze supporter, as that the expectant price one would pay for a new game! PM if you have one to spare!

Jay Wilson is fat.

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