Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

id like to see what this games about thanks
Just found out about this game.

I play a lot of Diablo 3 so looking to switch it up!

If anyone has an extra invite/beta key it would be much appreciated!

PM for my email!

Thanks in advance
It seems most people in this thread aren't getting keys, but i guess it doesn't hurt to try.

Looking for a key as many others are and would greatly appreciate it.
Not in a mood for waiting til open beta... so send me a key if you want :p

lordcyclop@yahoo.com or pm
Maybe someone has an extra key? Tired of watching streams, want to play, and want to play in hardcore league, because here my char wan't wipe if dead like in diablo.
Long time Diablo player looking to get into this game.. Beta key please :)

Send me a key please.
Can I get key too ?

I played on my cousins account for about an hour and fell in love with the game. Was wondering if someone can give me a beta so i can play a little more before buying. Thanks :) Mnolan690@gmail.com
wanna try this game so bad, anyone can share extra key for me? thank you.

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