Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

John___N@hotmail.com or pm me
Would greatly appreciate a key please!
Last edited by John#7536 on Jan 4, 2013, 2:36:09 AM
please invite me,
I wanna learn about this game as much as possible
I dont want to lost at the starting point
please invite me,
I'm trying since july to get that key... but i cant :S

If someone could do this for me it would be awesome. I even want to buy a supporter pack to help out I just want to make sure I like the game before making the investment.
May I have a key please? I will take good use of that. Thanks!!
Dropping Diablo 3 most likely, would like to try out PoE, I've heard great things and I was a huge fan of Median by Laz. If anyone has a spare key please PM me i would be forever appreciative.
Well I will jump on the band wagon here, I would love muchly to have one of those sweet, sweet beta keys. Diablo 3 was nice but POE looks GLORIUS.
Yep, it would be nice to get one of them beta keys.
If anyone has a key for me just PM me.
I would be so damn happy if i would get one.
Please invite me. That game looks more attractive than D3.

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