Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

Been growing tired of D3'S overall design and would love a chance to give POE a chance


thanks much
Happy new year, if anyone have spare invite it would be nice :)
First off, Happy New Year to everyone!
I'm looking for an invite or key if possible, I'm really interested in PoE but sadly I'm kinda short of cash at the moment because I'm unemployed. I've put lots of hours into D3 and I'm really into dungeon crawling RPGs even back to Darkstone Ps1, Diablo 1, Baulders Gate etc. if given a key or inv it will not go to waste. Thank you for your time. :)
happy to new year to all!

it's a new year and it'll be great to kick start a new game to play so i thought i may chance to get a key from a generous someone here. :3
Would love if I could get a hand on this game! Been looking forward to it for awhile, and I hope any generous soul out there would be willing to give me one. I would appreciate it greatly!

Hi to all!!

Can someone give me a key???


might as well try :p
would like to get a key as well, before the release of the game..
besides, im giving away 10 beta keys for FireFall .. drop me your email to janabroma@yahoo.com
If someone has a spare Key, I would be grateful if he gives it to me!
Happy New Year to all!!!
Probably a key for me :) Pm me

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