Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

I would love to get a beta key, I am a broke college student and would really like to try the game out before the quarter starts. :D

please send me an invite via forum inbox, i really wanna try this out
I would love try to this game out. D3 just doesn't cut it.. especially with the cut to PVP. Please send to inbox!

I dont think there is any chance of getting beta key in this topic.
I want a key, been looking all over r/pathofexile and always miss the giveaways by half an hour :(
Looking for an invite. Will happily send on my buddy key once I'm in.

Cheers! :)
I hope someone will be nice enough to send an invite my way. I'm a Diablo 3 player that is interested in what's going on over here, and considering a permanent switch. Thanks!
Will send pics of hot boobs and cold beer for a beta key! pwease? qq >>byrdbones@yahoo.com<< or PM, thanks anyone!
can i haz invite?
Looking for a beta key here.
Thank you very much!

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