Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

Would really love a PoE betakey... Been watching Kripp's and Kungen's streams of PoE for a few months but haven't gotten hold of a single betakey.
Hi, looking for a key as well.
Merry Christmas! If someone wants to toss yet another disgruntled with D3 person like myself a key I'd be quite excited and thankful to give PoE a try. I'm so bored I'm doing archaeology in WoW... that's about as low as it can get! PM me!
Hi, i need a beta key for playing and videolive my game on my channel game.

Thx :)
so anyone got an extra key ? or at least can tell me how to obtain one ?
pls very need key beta
happy x-mas need beta key
Hey everyone, 800+ pages eeek lol

As everyone else has said, D3 sucked. ive played this before and it was awesome-it looks like its come a LONG way id love a beta key

I can offer legit digital items in return. if your a dota2 player looking for cosmetic items id be more than happy to work out an offer

Add me/Message at:


Or Email: Shaneh445@gmail.com

Hope everyone has a merry Xmas!!!
Last edited by shaneh39199#4075 on Dec 25, 2012, 8:46:21 AM
I need it too, my mail its lukasg@terra.com.br
I'd really love a key.

(I already feel bad from all the begging.)
IGN: Dimetric, Penkala, Nazeer

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