Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

if anyone has a spare key i would very much me gratfull as from what ive seen on twitch this games looks kool
Ikr? It looks like dark alliance! ( and diablo from what i've been told, even though i've never played diablo)

Gave one out today!! BE THERE NEXT TIME!

Ps: I decide to give keys at random times so best suggestion would be to just follow me and watch.
Would be absolutely amazing if someone could give me a key, been waiting 6 1/2 months for one haha. Also willing to trade dota 2/portal on steam for a key.
i really need invite can give dota keys or d3 gear
my mail Reqwien96@gmail.com
I made ​​a bet with a friend that I would get the key before December 21, earlier than he, if I do not get it, I'll have to listen to Justin Bieber for 5 hours, I do not want to die :(
Please, save my life!
Hello Boyus,

Anyone got a key to my awesome friend, i would really like to play with him in-game!

Thanks in advanced!

Would be amazing if I received a beta key :3
I could gift you Dota 2 on steam if you don't have it.

Thanks in advance

PSN: NickeFail
* I got these cheese burgers man! *
Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue
I need a key. could someone please be so nice and give me a key? thanks in advance :-)
Does anyone have a key i can have?

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