Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

would be rly rly nice if someone could send me an invite :)

Hey guys, I've been playing off and on since August 2011 (long time, I know, right?!) I just built a computer for my girlfriend as an early Christmas present, and I'd love to get an extra beta key so she and I can play together. I'm slowly and successfully turning her into a gamer! :)

<---- This guy needs a key :)
hi I'm looking for an invite thanks
Hey guys, i would really like and beta key, if anyone could spare one.
I'd really like to play PoE, i've been watching the random giveway key event for 5 days, and unfortunately i've not been selected. :/
So.. if anyone could spare one extra key to help out someone who is really interested in the game, let me know. :)

I have talked 3 friends into playing PoE. One can afford to buy a key but the other two can't. What frosts me is the keys being given away to people that don't need them and so are sold on Jsp.
Guys and girls, any of You with a spare beta key, to help me out? I've been watching the timer for the past 4 days with almost no break! I am on the verge of going crazy right now :P Please, could You be so kind and get me an invitation?
As they say in my country: If you help I'll give you a kiss by the radio, not sure you can realy translate this :).
would be nice if someone could send a beta key this way! cant wait to play with friendsd :(
Have been waiting since June for a beta key, but to no avail. would really appreciate a beta key if someone has one to give as I'm a student and don't have much money to spend. Anyways, thanks a load if someone gives me one :D
Might as well add to this long list of players...

I'd love to get a key to try out the game before open beta begins. pm me if you so choose :)

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