Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

need keyy pm pls :)
Could use some key :)
FireSkull wrote:

Plz remmember to vote for PoE as best indie game.... In case you forgot. You dont need to be in beta to do this.

Done :D

Im still looking for a key ! I can offer virtual cookies.
looking for a invite would be pleased for one.
need keyy pm pls
Thx for help
POE Key please :-) <3 pm Me \:D/
Would be nice to get a key so I can put some theory crafting into action before open beta starts. My friends don't think they'll work.
Would LOVE for someone to PM me a key if they have an extra!
I would love to have a key as well, if you don't mind! PM me please! :)
Wouldn't mind a key, been waiting since March. Most of the other people asking have only been waiting a few days, or even a few weeks at most.

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