Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

Plis send me key bro ;)
Need key please,who has a free one for me. The game looks cool as hell, please someone send a key, so I can ring my bell.
pls i will a key this is my 10th account and i´m waiting over a year pls i will akey
invite plz=)))
looking for that friendly person to toss a beta key this way. please and thank you <3
Please provide me a key :) I'm sick of d3
I am looking for a beta key. I can offer dota 2 invites or diablo 3 softcore gold (EU) =)
Hello All ! I've been waiting for a game like this since D2 and i dont have a credit card or paypal to buy PoE. If someone would be so kind to help me get beta key it would be awesome!!!
Seriously, this game seems awesome!!
I very hope get beta key!
Please throw a key at me. :D

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