Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

I would love an invite if anyone out there is filling these. Thank you to those who are. So just PM me one and such I will be forever thankful
I'd like a Beta Key as well if you have any to spare!


Thanks a ton! :D
Gimme a chance to try this one out, need key badly. Be a buddy :)
I would love a random beta invite.

I would also be handing out any random invite I get back into this thread.
Balvuwwa - Ranger: Default
Top-less pic of my sister (19,60-90-60) to the first person to send me a beta key :D
No rest for the wicked.
Well if somebody Picked me im sure that it would totally piss off the 78 pages of requests before me then id have a good day. Hawk_stringz@yahoo.com lets see what happens hahahahahah
want one too...
Oh yes please somebody PM me :). I want the beta sooo bad! I'd be utmost overjoyed!
True Metal or death!
I saw TotalBiscuit's WTF video of this game on Youtube and I can say I am fairly intrigued by how the game looks and plays.

I would love to give this game a spin, and I am willing to share extra invites back to the community if I have any.

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