Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

Been playing ARPG since Diablo, love the genre. Been wanting to try path of exile for a while now. Signed up September 2011 and have yet to get one. Much appreciation to anyone who sends me a key.

does anyone have an extra code? i would love to experience the game.
If someone have an extra key to share I would really like to have it :)
~ Much appreciated!
Would love to get a beta invite.
~Much appreciated
Just found about this game...if someone has an extra key I would love to try this one out. Thanks.
Well I thought I could be patient enough, but I've been waiting to get into the beta for seven months now so if anyone would be willing to give me a spare key I would greatly appreciate it.
I'd be most grateful if someone could PM me a beta key)))))))))))))))
Any kind souls willing to donate a key to me?

I really would like to try this game

thanks bros
this game looks amazing cant wait to give it a go, appreciate it if i recieved a beta key.

thank you in advance.
Unemployed needing a POE key so I don't go crazy. Any help please? Thanks

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