Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

pls invite


ty =)
Please give me a key. Thank you.
Hi, im new here in this forum but i am no new when it comes to mmorpg games.. i would like to play this game and would be very grateful if by any chance i would be given a betakey.. there may be other players that needed the betakey as badly as i am but what i can assure is that i am no leaver when it comes to this kind of games.. although i left some mmorpg games before as the community grows bad, but as long as this game keeps a good community, i will be playing this game all time long.. so please, if there would be by any chance, i will take that chance..
Want to get rid of bad taste from D3 but out of money since its !@$# $60 buck. Would love a key to play this awesome potential game!!!!
I would really appreciate if someone were to give me a key! :3
( ´∇`)ノ Hurray for theory crafting!
I want one so badly :( Pls send me a key and you will be my Hero for the rest of my life

Can i get invite i wanna play and improve game and comunity!
Can i get invite i wanna play and improve game and comunity!
Please,give me a Beta-key/// This game very cool!!!
I ... need a key.
Ohhh i feel .... like i'm losing .... my soul.
Nooo, please only the power .... of the beta key can save me .... form becoming a .... ghost.
Don't let me cross .... the styx without having tried ...
to redeem my soul....


I'll meet you in .... your nightmares .... i'll pursue you for .... ever.
They exiled me.
A templar of the order of Oriath.
One of their own.

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