Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

would love to get an invite :) game looks really great and i cant wait to play it !
lvl 5 witch :D
Just found out about this. The skill gem system looks pretty interesting. Looking forward to trying it out if someone has a spare invite. Thanks.
would love to get into this game, it seems like its a really good game from everything i have heard so far. i want to get an invite so i can see what its all about. i have a new computer and im dying to see what it can handle too. Pm me because i dont want to post my personal email (it's personal for a reason :D)
I would really like to get a beta key and play with my friends.
Never heard of this time until i saw it on Totalbiscuit youtube channel.
It looks awesome, hopefully it is something that could compete with Diablo series or even do better

PM me for mail. Don't wanna type it on an public forum. (spam bots) and so on
I love Action-RPGs and seem to have a lot of extra time on my hands to test this game out if I could get ahold of a beta key. I would greatly appreciate anyone able to PM me a key.

I don't often find myself begging for beta keys. But in this case I'm begging: pleases give a poor college student gaming material to satisfy his lust for blood and glory, lest he begins molesting and devastating annoying teachers. Thankyou. Please PM me with a beta key offering if you wish to help prevent mass murder.
I just watched a a gameplay Video in youtube By TotalHalibut(Totalbiscuit) and the game looks very interesting, im kinda of an Rpgs fan too
can't wait to try it please an invite would be appreciated
I would love to have a beta key.

All I can offer is a love of games, almost thirty years of gaming experience, and a not very common time zone.
Sigh... forever alone.

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