Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!
I'll buy you presents :) Fuse - Level 61 Ranger
would love to get my hands on a beta key to test this amazing looking game out
Come at me with beta key brah
The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.
- William Arthur Ward |
I'm in desperate need of a beta key :D
Please do give me one. |
I, as much as anyone else here, would also love an invite! :D jake@toonz.org Thanks a bunch!
I would appreciate a beta key. lungdisc@gmail.com Thank you. |
If anyone has a spare key i would love one!
z608834@yahoo.com |
PM me or email kryptic_1_9@msn.com BLESS YOU!!!!
Would love a beta key! PM me if you're feeling generous
Thanks! |
Yeah im gonna ride the wave and ask for an invite. Really want to try this game out for myself.