Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!
id be happy about a PM with a key
would love to get a key :) colton-bartels@hotmail.com
IGN: IgnitedWafflez
Meh, might as well try.
If anyone has an extra key ill be happy to take it off you :) |
I would love it if someone would give me a beta key. Please PM me asap.
Silence is best
I'm looking to join as well. Sitting here on page... I dunno, 61? As unlikely as I am to get an invite, here's hoping anyway.
Hey I'd appreciate it if somebody could invite me. I haven't been interested in any games for a while until I saw this, and I'm eager to start playing. Hope someone can help me out!
I would be interested in an invite if anyone has an extra one.
If I could get an invite, I'd be happy. :)
nate.ekstrom@gmail.com |
I would love a beta key as well =). Just PM me.
I would very much appreciate a beta key in PM as well :)
"I fear no evil, for I am fear incarnate!"
"Many claim they wish to destroy their enemies. If this were true, most would be compelled to destroy themselves." |