Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

I hope someone can really help me to get a beta key. I've been almost depressed just not having a really good game to play for a while now and I really have to say this game is one of the best ones I've seen other than Diablo. If anyone can relieve my non-gaming depression, please PM me! =]
Edwwward_2009@yahoo.com please,i will kiss the legs of the person who send me invitation
If someone feels gracious enough to PM a key to me I would enjoy it as much as the rest posting on this thread.
I am an outlet to good karma! send me your friend invite at


and i'll try to return the kindness, be a new (grateful) friend, and test the shit out of this game.

Lotta Love,

(I'll edit this as soon as some fine soul contacts me)
Would very much appreciate a beta invite, I would return the favor. :)
Tho i lost hope to get into beta, but still ill here :) maybe some kind soul will show me the path of exile ;)
"When things are blackest, I just tell myself 'cheer up, things could be worse!' And sure enough, they get worse!"

If anyone has a spare key, please PM me. : )
Thanks for posting this; it does help filter out a lot of pleas for keys (that has a nice jingle to it!!!). I'd love to post my e-mail, but I'd rather not have someone compromise it so if at all possible please PM me with the information. Thanks in advanced, and good luck to everyone else who posted before me.
Won a contest courtesy of "ardikus" and he gave me a beta key! <3
MMORPG/RPG gaming history: WoW, Rift, Aion, Diablo, Diablo 2, Titan Quest, Vindictus and Dragon Nest.
I would love an extra key. I am on the website at least 10 times a day. A private message with a key would be great!
if anyone has an extra key i would love to have it and also would be willing to befriend any stay active in game with whoever gives me the key :P please and thanks!
So how about that beta?

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