Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

ill gladly take a key and ill give it to the next person who posts
Milfhunter need 1 key :(
Would love to get into this beta, I've been looking forward to this game for almost 2 years now! share the love lol :p
Would love a beta key and would pay it forward to the community as soon as I am able to.
If you find this post embedded within over 250 pages of forum, congratulations, you are an amazing archeologist.

Also, I would like to be your PoE friend.
Need some love here :( , nothing to do this week-end
I'd love an invite here, but since I just registered, I think it's best to give it to a member who doesn't have a beta key that's been registered for a while.

PM me :P
Would definitely love a beta key.

Thank you in advance!
NEEEEEEEd MY dungeon runner fix!! Havent played a good game as amazing looking as this ina long time. Pls someone help me out^^
can i have one?
thanks in advance

send at danijupiter@gmail.com

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