Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

If you have a key i would kindly accept it! Thanks!
a betakey for me whould be fine :)

I would really appreciate a key
I too would like a beta key please PM me if you have a spare. =)
Also interested in a key.
Wanna key too ^^
I`d love to get a key. Im waiting for a mounth and nothing :/ If someone could give me it i wold be very thankful :)
PS. Sorry for my English but im from Poland
First rule: "I'm always right."
Second rule: "If you think, I'm not right, take a look on First rule."
DzejBeee wrote:

Not everyone are from USA or England so sorry but i dont have to know english perfectly. You should appreciate someone`s effort and not criticize him.
Anyone with an extra friend key? I like long walks on the beach and enjoy slaying demons and zombies.

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