Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

I'd also love a beta key, preferably via PM. Willing to give all of my gold away, playing ironman style.
jonathan1563@hotmail.com plz inv me T_T
like0451392@yahoo.com.tw ^^ thx
can you send please beta key
key nyckel plx
im the goodguy

If any kind beta member has an extra key to give away i would be so happy that once the game releases, i will farm for u all day, mail u items i find on a daily basis, i will even do IRL bossruns for u if u live close enough to me!

e-mail please akropolog@gmail.com
or just inbox

thanks a lot
If anyone with a spare beta key could send one my way, I'd appreciate it. :)
please invite me someone :D cosacee@hotmail.com orrrrr inbox ;)
Invite me and uh...Me love you long time?
I'm Saifon, a 21 year old gamer from Sweden.
I found out about this game after seeing TotalBiscuit's "WTF is..." and was kinda impressed. Now I didn't have my computer at the time so wasn't able to sign up here (watched it in my phone)... Anyway, here I am and I'd love it if someone could maybe give me a key. :)

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