Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!
I won't lie I just learned about this today but I want this game so badly I got diarrhea. So if anyone has an invite I would be so very grateful.
Game looks amazing. Would love to get an invite to the beta to help fellow community members out with bugs, glitches, etc. I have pretty much 24/7 to devote to playing this game. If anyone would be kind enough to share a key with me email at kat699@hotmail.com
acederapacs@yahoo.com i need 1 beta key pls tyvm
i will take 20 keys @ 0gp. kthx.
tldr. oh hai I want key or die I pls k? my life is important key only but you give i only so i can happy be please. when happy by key i give key to happy people of old and we together share time played. when we played time that is shared we be friends. so when you think make it of me so we can play and be friends. i want key so please think of me. i will ruve you rong time if you give me one. absrutrey. |
Anyone would be so kind to invite me please? ziemowits@gmail.com
Thanks! |
please oh please send be a beta key invite
anyone has an extra key left for me?
Hey, just found this as an alternative to Diablo III. Game looks AMAZING! I might not be able to run it. I don't know how the system works, but i'm willing to drop a line if I get an invite. I guess we get one if someone gives me one?
My Email is " Playstationjoe@yhaoo.com" I hope I get to try this soon! Cya in the game eventually friends. |
I would like a key, so I may then return the favor and give out a key when I get one.
Keep that chain going! |
would be amazing if i could get a beta key to keep my mind off of diablo 3 beta for a bit : )
voodooacid123@yahoo.com or pm me thanks in advance! |