Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!
I'd love to have a Beta key. <3
Hello, my name is Heidi, I'm 28 years old from Denmark.
Hoping for a beta key as well! :-) <hugz> |
I'd appreciate it if someone would be so kind enough to give me a friend invite/beta key :)
cursedhand2004@gmail.com |
Beta key please? ... please?
bdiernes@hotmail.com |
<3 to whoever PM's me invite. lots and lots of <3
Would love to try this game, especially before Diablo III open beta! (Lastorax@gmail.com)
Damnit no Diablo III entry aswell :( Anybody has any spare keys to soothe me? *puppy eyes*
Could use a spare key here.
I would really appreciate an invite key :)
Hi, so I actually only found out about this game today and would love the opportunity to get in the beta.