Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

Broadside wrote:
I'm not having any luck with the random beta key thing even though Chris said I would be 10X more likely to get one if I'm active on the forums. I find this hard to believe due to how many 0 post / singed up and last active same day accounts get invited and forum users don't. I think it's broken. :/

Edit: typo
This game actually looks better and more "grown up" then diablo 3. I would love to have a key, to get the chance to play this game.


Don't know if my computer is able to play path of exile, but i want to give it a try!
I know there are thousands of people on the forums trying to get a beta key, and I realize there is no reason why you should give me a key over the other eagerly awaiting players, but if anyone has an extra invite I would really appreciate it. Have fun playing!
I want one too! :)
If there is anyone kind enough to give me a key i would really apreciate it.

Thanks in advance!

Pm me please.
I would love a key as well, I will return the favour...
i would love one :D
Need key, will play, ty in advance! :)
Don't believe everything you think!
someone generous out there? :)

i would really love to help this game in development

congrats to everyone who got theirs :)
I would like one too.

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