Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!
I would love to be able to test the game, and have my feedback and suggestons help mold the game into what it will be. And what I believe that is, is a huge hit.
Incase you couldn't tell, I'm obviously looking for a key. |
wait wait wait..... :(
As a veteran with a join date of 2 Sep 2010, it would be a great one year Anniversary gift to get friended a key. I am alone this weekend as my family is away and this would be a great way to play with no distractions.
Renevaras |
A key would be much appreciated and not wasted ! I play like a zombie if i have the opportunity :D
I'd love one.
Jonkarma@live.com Pst..I'll have your babies. |
I would appreciate a beta key. PM me one if you have any left. I had birthday @ 29. August, so it would be a great birthday present! Hehe.
Thanks! :>) |
the more precious the treasure
the heavier to shoulder indulge your mind in reverie grant me your burdensome key please PM me an invite, would appreciate it so much =) | |
We didnt get the emails yet. Be patient.
Please :) |
Would be awesome if I could get a key. Ben here awhile even though I just registered. I just want to test this damn thing!
toolofisis@gmail.com |