Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

I'm not into begging, but I figured I'd leave a message here anyway, you never know.

Can't say if the game is good, but it sure is intriguing.
I'm not working until October, thus I have plenty of time to beta test it! ;P
"Knowledge can't be kept in a bottle or sealed in a box. It yearns to be spread and shared."
I too would love an invite, I'm so curious to try out the beta of this game.
Looking forward to get a key and help with Beta and the game. Have some testing expirience and just love the game, it's idea and they everything going!
Fortune favors the bold!
Last edited by Sleeping#7683 on Sep 15, 2011, 4:09:11 AM
Looks like it's the trend to ask, may as well. :P

If possible I'd be grateful for an invite, currently not doing much more than staring at the timer go down every so often. Thank you.

(Because of PoE, I now hate countdowns. Forever.)
If someone needs a FULL-TIME experimented testing partner juss say hello and i garanteed u wont regreet it =D
Well since this thread is meant for "asking" for a beta invite I suppose I will take a shot. I won't bore you with my tales of the countless hours I have put in to Diablo 1/2 and Wow and the sorts. I'm just a fellow gamer hoping for someone who shares the same passion as I do. I am 23 years old, a member of the United States military and am hoping to score an awesome beta invite to a game I have been excited about for some time. There is my plea, maybe by some act of God I will get an invite, if not at least i tried right?
I'd like to have a key please
If some kind soul have an extra, it would be appreciated. Thanks.
If someone hawe 1 extra key i would really appreciate if you could share it with me.
Last edited by Zego#5590 on Sep 15, 2011, 6:53:40 AM
hello boys,girls i wanna beta invite pls pm me héhé hihi=)

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