Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!
Last edited by Toastrinbath#3612 on May 13, 2012, 7:56:43 PM
I would love an invite
padam123@gmail.com thanks |
Love to play the game. the skills look damn good >.< nao somebody give me an invite pls pretty pls :D
guokang_92@hotmail.com |
I would love one purely because I'm starting work in a few weeks and I only have the remainder of September to play the game. Would really appreciate a key :)
i would love to get an inv :)
email : z.kamarauskas@gmail.com thanks in advance :) |
I've been a life long diablo fan. I have been waiting for a key and can't stand that wait anymore. If i can get a key, i will owe you. Thanks
I'd love a key if anyone has an unused one - PM me so I can get in on this sweet looking game ;-)
Let the darkness prevail...
Have anyone got their invite after writing here?
If yes, I could use one too :> normis.cash@gmail.com Clicking F5 since Sept 6th
I guess after 108 pages of emails adresses being posted, one more won't hurt:)
joakimbaumann@hotmail.com |
Hello all. I just found out about this great new game and I would love the chance to beta test it. If anyone has any friend invites left (I know, not a big chance) I'd really appreciate one. :)
Thanks all and I look forward to getting to know you guys and gals. :D Oh and if you want my email addy for it it's vanni127@gmail.com Last edited by Vanni#5904 on Sep 7, 2011, 12:49:40 PM