5000 Posts, 5000 Dollars: It is accomplished!

Okay guys, it's done.

Through your constant desire to make me spend money and a slew of very interesting posts, this thread has achieved (over, by now) 500 unique responses.

At least Five thousand dollars has been contributed to the very worthy cause of kiwi preservation, with many of you donating out of your pockets to support the fragile little blighters.

Thank you all for taking part, and for showing me, once again, just how amazing the Path of Exile Community really is.

I hope to see you all in Open Beta and beyond. :)

https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Jan 22, 2013, 5:53:57 PM
Always full of surprises.
Forum Sheriff
Well done Charan for hitting the 5k post mark. I think the last time I had that many posts on one forum was back in my Ultima Online days on their forums. Hopefully I stick around here long enough to build up as many posts.
Also well done donating to a worthy cause. I just hope this thread goes viral on reddit or something and you end up having to donate 10k for the kiwi's.

P.S. I hear they taste great deep-fryed with a little BBQ sauce. :P
Technomage wrote:
I just hope this thread goes viral on reddit or something and you end up having to donate 10k for the kiwi's.

Bring it. :)
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Charan, I, and hopefully the rest of the forum as well, will do my best to bankrupt you. Donate dat 10.
Last edited by sinjin25 on Dec 4, 2012, 12:47:22 AM
10,000 lets do it.
Some people have too much money.
WTG Charan!

Knew I liked you for a reason


-- Providing opinions since I was old enough to tell my sister she was ugly.
IDK y u would want to save them, they can't fly so killing them is fun and easy like clubbing baby seals ;0
Just a sec let me grab a beer...@#*@ Ok how did I die this time

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