DonaldF's EK DANMAKU Ranger Extremely High DPS /Jan.14 little update [Videos]

Since the previous DPS calculator seems to be not working for me, I have made one of my own.

This one should be more accurate. Please don't modify the cells in red. Just enter all your stats and let the calculator do the rest. It should be taken as just an estimation of your overall DPS. It takes into account the crit of your cyclone as well as your EK.

Also added effect of a level 1 critical weakness curse on your overall DPS.

Note that this only works for those who use Cyclone.

If anyone has any comments on the calculations please let me know.
IGN: EnemaBojio
League: Standard
Guild: JoeyBestDog
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Last edited by AnimaSolo#5663 on Dec 18, 2013, 12:42:48 AM
I think the only flaw in your formula is where you add "average additional damage per second from spell crits" since the tooltip avg damage or dps contains that. If you substract that one, you will get exactly my values.
Last edited by Mephist0#1006 on Dec 18, 2013, 5:17:52 AM
Oh I see. Well I'll remove it then.
IGN: EnemaBojio
League: Standard
Guild: JoeyBestDog
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Im useing Dual Wield build and i have problems which mana im 83 lvl and i have 673 mana i cant use 2 auras so i use only Grace my cyclon cost me 65 mana so im out of mana really fast my regen mana 14.12 any ideas what to do ?
Last edited by mamuska#0016 on Dec 18, 2013, 9:43:11 AM
mamuska wrote:
Im useing Dual Wierd build and i have problems which mana im 83 lvl and i have 673 mana i cant use 2 auras so i use only Grace my cyclon cost me 65 mana so im out of mana really fast my regen mana 14.12 any ideas what to do ?

Use blood magic gem, that's what I use and things been okay till now
Mephist0 wrote:
I think the only flaw in your formula is where you add "average additional damage per second from spell crits" since the tooltip avg damage or dps contains that. If you substract that one, you will get exactly my values.

i'm assuming your calculator is finding the average DPS given X crit chance that will probably be OK for a boss dps (when you are rapidly cycloning back and forth on them)

but if you want a true measure of the DPS you need to have 4 DPS values, then calculate the chance of them occuring, since cyclone either crits or doesn't crit for the whole time, per weapon, rolled once at the start of each cyclone.

1) DPS when your cyclone doesn't crit
2) DPS when your mainhand only crits
3) DPS when your offhand only crits
4) DPS when both main + offhand crit

the final result would look something like this: (assuming 75% crit rate per weapon, DPS numbers are made up)

Potential DPS values:
6.25% of the time you'll do 300 DPS
18.75% of the time you'll do 7,350 DPS when your mainhand crits
18.75% of the time you'll do 7,350 DPS when your offhand crits
56.25% of the time you'll do 14,700 DPS when both daggers critting

I'm not sure how attack speed will be calculated if each dagger has a different speed, but i know that the DPS value won't work based on pure averages. Also keep in mind you must take into account accuracy since it is rolled twice for each crit
IGN: OldManBalls (Warbands)
Last edited by demivion#2965 on Dec 18, 2013, 8:56:38 AM
I didnt add non-crit cyclone dps, since its so low that it doesnt really matter.
Cyclone hits twice for each attack speed (is you have 3 AS, it hits 6 times).
If you are dual wielding, it hits 1-1 with each weapon/AS.
Your point 2-4 is not needed, since you cant make difference between offhand and main hand attacks, its just simply an attack.
Accuracy is in the formula (as hit chance).
mamuska wrote:
Im useing Dual Wierd build and i have problems

no wonder since your build is so wieRd lol.
blaes wrote:
mamuska wrote:
Im useing Dual Wierd build and i have problems

no wonder since your build is so wieRd lol.

IGN: EnemaBojio
League: Standard
Guild: JoeyBestDog
All Boss Kills Video:
Hi all.

I've been having a lot of fun with this build, demolishing the lower level maps for the most part and farming piety in 30 seconds or less.

However, survivability is still a bit of an issue. What are some of the pieces I should be working on first? Is there a better gem setup that I should be running?

My fire and lightning resists are maxed at 75% when I'm running tri-aura (hatred, grace, purity of elements) but cold still at ~65%

My gear below:

Would it be worth the currency to try to get this baby six-linked?

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