DonaldF's EK DANMAKU Ranger Extremely High DPS /Jan.14 little update [Videos]

Black_Magik wrote:
Hi all!
Can you pls tell me in terms of DPS which pair should work better for this build and why?
Thanks in advance!


havoc sting would give you the most. and the rest are all meh imo
What do you think about this build with Flicker Strike + Multistrike + Melee Splash + Cast on Critical Strike + Ethereal Knives x2? I tested it with Blood Rage and Blood Dance Boots and the clearing speed is INCREDIBLE. The problem is that i only have 3 frenzy charges because the character is not designed in that way, sustain the mana costs is another drawback too, perharps i need more mana leech. I´m seriously thinking about take all frenzy nodes :P
I'm having a little bit of issue with this build, and it's not about health or damage.

The problem is the cyclone. It makes my game desync SO MUCH. I have low ping (~60 almost all the time), including during the desyncs.

All it takes to f**k it up is to hold the cyclone into any creature. Let's say I found a rare monster and I'm holding the cyclone button while on top of the monster, so my character keeps going back and forth and dealing damage. This is GUARANTEED that my game will desync badly.

It's very annoying, specially that there are no lag problems at all that I could fix. The programmers need to do something about this, why is cyclone so messed up for desync?
got my old amu's for sale if somebody need a new one :)


Last edited by LuckPwnSKill#6955 on Dec 12, 2013, 1:08:33 PM
Bauab wrote:
I'm having a little bit of issue with this build, and it's not about health or damage.

The problem is the cyclone. It makes my game desync SO MUCH. I have low ping (~60 almost all the time), including during the desyncs.

All it takes to f**k it up is to hold the cyclone into any creature. Let's say I found a rare monster and I'm holding the cyclone button while on top of the monster, so my character keeps going back and forth and dealing damage. This is GUARANTEED that my game will desync badly.

It's very annoying, specially that there are no lag problems at all that I could fix. The programmers need to do something about this, why is cyclone so messed up for desync?

Just make an /oos macro. I have two, one that just does oos once another that types it once a second for boss fights and what not.

It should look like if you want it set to group chat (0 delay):

viper9494 wrote:
Bauab wrote:
I'm having a little bit of issue with this build, and it's not about health or damage.

The problem is the cyclone. It makes my game desync SO MUCH. I have low ping (~60 almost all the time), including during the desyncs.

All it takes to f**k it up is to hold the cyclone into any creature. Let's say I found a rare monster and I'm holding the cyclone button while on top of the monster, so my character keeps going back and forth and dealing damage. This is GUARANTEED that my game will desync badly.

It's very annoying, specially that there are no lag problems at all that I could fix. The programmers need to do something about this, why is cyclone so messed up for desync?

Just make an /oos macro. I have two, one that just does oos once another that types it once a second for boss fights and what not.

It should look like if you want it set to group chat (0 delay):


only every 10 seconds
viper9494 wrote:

Just make an /oos macro. I have two, one that just does oos once another that types it once a second for boss fights and what not.

It should look like if you want it set to group chat (0 delay):


Thanks, I'll try that.

However, this kind of feature should already be automatically embedded in the game. Wonder why something so simple has to be made my a macro.
Hi Guys,

what about that dagger for Cyclone + EK build ?

I think it's good, just sad it's not on a +80% global crit one.
ExecutionerIMP wrote:
Hi Guys,

what about that dagger for Cyclone + EK build ?

i use this

cuz it was cheap as hell urs should be fine =D
[quote="Mark_GGG"]damage modifiers don't can currently can't apply to degen.[/quote]
"Getting all life nods on passive tree should give additional survival, not the mandatory basic survival."

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