Deleted Spam Thread. Nothing to see here!

griszka11 wrote:
Support PoE ! Vote there: !

More spam like this plz. Helps PoE and GGG.
maked a account for voting ^^
Yoshimiro wrote:
maked a account for voting ^^

Thank you for REFRESHING.
Maybe if i could actualy play the game, does it even exist or is it a spook?
Tired of waiting for betakey :D
Abolishr wrote:
Maybe if i could actualy play the game, does it even exist or is it a spook?
Tired of waiting for betakey :D

Well... It is very unlucky that this competiton started just when PoE is about to go open beta. Thats why i spent so much time spamming the Beta Invite Discussions forums... Happy to see that there are some people who are not in beta that are voting anyway.... Hopefully this indie game competition will make more sense when the game is actually in open beta XD. Right now we are getting lower votes than we should because there are too many people who dont have beta access... That is my quess at least.

Still... It has a pretty good rank despite this closed beta/beta key problem that makes it get less votes. (:
I just voted for POE. Hopefully the krama returns the favour by giving me a beta key.
Refresh for more votes. Competition is allmost over.
Refreshing. PoE is currently ranked 21 and continues to get positive amounts of votes.
Refresh. Is ranked 18

Make everyone vote NOW!
FIreskull wrote:
Refresh. Is ranked 18

Make everyone vote NOW!

poe is not even ob'ing in 2012

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