[Videos] List of YouTube vods and streams


Since many (most?) of us are waiting on a Beta key, all we can do is drool over items shown in threads or watch vods and streams of the lucky few in the beta.

I haz a key now! Here is my own
stream: (http://www.ustream.tv/channel/starcraft-42) and here is my
YouTube: (http://www.youtube.com/user/Starcraft42PoE)

(Note: I will only list vods/streams that I think are worth it. A lot of beta testers just played a game or two back in early August and never played again... Oh the humanity! QQ)

Here a list of links I found:
(** = Updated since last post)

== YouTube =================================================

Link: http://www.youtube.com/user/ForceSC2strategy

Content: As of today, 15 vods. Full playthrough as witch, then started a duelist. Was disappoint as duelist and is now happy with marauder ^^.
The best vods I found so far. As an experienced player he knows what he is talking about ^^. Also the #1 place for D3 news and SC2 strategy vods.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/user/Dopelives

Content: Complete walkthrough as witch and some as a marauder; fun comments. I laughed hard a couple of times ("Owwww, my foot is stuck in my pants" ^^). Has some crazy other vids, too ^^. Vods in 480p. MUST WATCH.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/user/quill18

Content: 4 vods as marauder. Quality is quite good. Hope he is doing more soon.
Tales of Lumin
Link: http://www.youtube.com/user/talesoflumin

Content: So far 12 vods as ranger. Quality... well... he states he played D2, but I have to say he is one of the most clueless players I have ever seen. A lot of running around aimlessly, random decision making that makes you cringe. Good HD quality though. I can only deal with this with sound turned off... oO Quite a shame, actually.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/user/dustdust7

Content: So far only 3 vods, but high quality. Will monitor if there is more to come (which I hope). Also comments would be nice ^^
And of course to make it complete, the official Grindinggear Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/grindinggear

== Streams ==================================================

Link: http://www.own3d.tv/devmoon

Content: A LOT of raw gameplay footage with little to no narration. Game sounds only, no other music. He playes a shield/one hand meelee ranger. Seems to know what he`s doing, have not watched all of it yet, though. Last recording when he died as HC ranger. Hope he has not quit.
Link: http://ja.twitch.tv/greenpeez

Content: Lvl 31+ Ranger, streams quite a bit. Interacts with viewers in chat and answers questions. Little to no naration during gameplay, though. Seems to have just started recording vods of the casts, too.
Link: http://ja.twitch.tv/randomgamingtv

Content: Level 47+ witch. Commentates on games, not sure in which language though. Could be finnish ^^. Streams a LOT. Unfortunately, no VoDs being recorded, but he announces streaming in this Forum, so stay tuned.
Link: http://www.livestream.com/poemordliss/

Content: Very interactive stream, seems to be a nice guy. Good player, unfortunately the stream resolution is not the best. GGG, sponsor him a faster internet! ^^
Link: http://www.livestream.com/beros

Content: One of the newest beta members. Has fixed his graphics to the point its good to watch. Gives feedback and answers questions on stream. Nice guy, highly recommended.
Link: http://ja.twitch.tv/swiftor/b/294128994

Content: Very recent addition to this list. Long vods/streams (>2hrs!), OK quality (800x600?), uses a green screen to put himself into the game... ^^ Kinda cool. Learns as he goes, interacts with viewers. Not too may vods yet, but make sure to check him out!

If you know of anyone streaming/uploading vods of PoE, go ahead and post them, I will update this thread regularly.

Now you have well over 100 hours of vods and streams to make the waiting time for the beta key feel shorter ^^
Last edited by Starcraft42 on Oct 2, 2011, 11:25:21 AM
You have to add Mordliss to that list.


He doesn't stream that often but it is by far the most interactive stream out there. His videos are also recorded so people can watch them later. So far he has played a couple of templars and his 34 duelist. He generally streams Tuesday/Wednesday 1pm - 4pm East Coast time.
Nice post with lots of good info.

I rencently watched most of the Force vods and plan on watching some of the Quill vods soon. Maybe worthy of a sticky if you continue adding to the stream list?

Tomorrow comes today.
Last edited by Dankbeer on Sep 1, 2011, 2:00:02 PM

please add mine
Disregard witches, aquire currency.
Requesting that
be added, please. Thank you.
Joined Closed Beta 20th August 2011
out of most of these i would say forces is the best cuz ur not just watching gameplay he jokes around tells u strats and he is just a very likeable guy when it comes to youtube anyone interested in diablo 3 he also has a VERY VERY extensive series of videos focusing on that with updates blue posts and other helpfull things just my oppinion though
Last edited by kimari on Sep 1, 2011, 4:44:17 PM
Hey guys, thanks for the comments!

I added the streams/vods you recommended, thank you very much.

>>> Question to all of you:

Do you want to see links of vods/streams that do NOT stream in HQ? There are some really good gameplay vods that I just added, but b/c they are it seems 360p or less, its hard to see anything.

What do you think?

kimari wrote:
out of most of these i would say forces is the best

I really like Force, been watching his channel since the dawn of time. As far as YouTube is concerned, definitely among the best.
Live streams, however, give a new level of interactivity which makes watching them really fun. Check em out!
Last edited by Starcraft42 on Sep 2, 2011, 12:04:19 AM
Thanks for the list! Been watching force but will check into a few others :D
Since the cimmunity has some keys to give away now i think the OP should get one for his efforts.

In other words *bump*

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