1.0.0e Patch Notes and Bandit Quest Respec

GLORIOUS THANKS, really thanks to this we can now respec without having to make a new char due to picking the wrong bandit for X build, they were really determinating when picking the right "path" amazing job and i'm glad it will come as a quest, so more fun awaits lol
this is great news!
We have also decided on a mechanic for the heavily requested ability to respec bandit quests
- I came!!!
This is the Internet and we have a saying, women are men, men are men and the little girls are FBI agents.
Chris wrote:
ongZ wrote:
Hey Chris! Any news on if you are going to allow more than 200 members in a guild? Thanks! :)

We're going to try to slowly add more over time. 250 next patch maybe?

So glad to hear this, I want to join BLOW so bad haha.
I love this game and have played it quite a bit since the end of closed beta, but you guys should be embarrassed that you released the game with multiple completely broken mechanics. The fact that devourers were released with such problems is a good example. How many people ripped to that because it wasn't properly tested? I feel as though this has happened before with improper damage scaling, which is something that is pretty easy to test before releasing. I feel bad for people who lost their high level hardcore characters to garbage like this.
Thanks for the respec option, most of my characters were done with their bandits even before the buff to a few of the bandit rewards. I've been wanting to go back and tweak them for a long time now.

Thanks much, I just hope it isn't like 30 Regret orbs per choice lol
Team Won
Ahh the long awaited bandit respect sweet!!!!
Yes! It's about time! Good job, GGG.

My main character was my first character, and unlike most new people, I didn't mess him up when I made him. The first full respec I got I didn't need, but benefitted in a couple of nodes ( from duelist area), and the second I didn't need, and the third (release) was helpful simply due to the skill tree changes.

But I have always regretted not helping certain bandits and instead taking all the skill points.

I am glad I can finally change this soon!
"Within their deliriousness it's dark, like sojourners of souls they shall embark."
Boo to bandits, don't give up on your morals GGG..... Hardcore not carebear.
This is good news for those who make mistakes but don't want to re-roll a new character.

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