Oro's Ceaseless Discharger (Spectral Throw + Cast on Crit Discharge)
I'm level 45 now with this build, and I love it, but I have one big issue: single-target damage. It is seriously pitiful, took me three straight minutes to kill Vaal Oversoul on Cruel, and I can't complete any side areas due to lack of single-target damage. My best bet is to lure an enemy into a large group of trash mobs in order to discharge there, but that's not always possible.
What should I do in those situations? |
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I am curious about the single target dps aswell. This build is insane on group mobs and equally insane weak on bosses. What am I doing wrong.
Also is the 4l still necessary after the molten shield nerf ? it doesnt seem to be doing a lot of dmg |
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" Try my Shadow version a couple of pages back. On my phone atm but I can post my revised tree and gear later with my char around lvl 73. Last edited by EcNeRWaLJ#7827 on May 13, 2014, 1:34:05 AM
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Currently lvl 59 with this build (started from lvl 1).
My observations:
- Fun begins after equipping Volls armor (lvl ~32).
- lvl'ing after Volls is fast and easy, fastest and easiest leveling I've ever done. - Clear speed is FAST. Extremely fast. - Discharge NUKEs mobs. Seriously. You NUKE them. It's instantaneous. - Easy non stressful playstyle. Simply shogun ST in mobs general direction until they're vaporized in a flash of discharge. So much fun and it NEVER gets old. - When partied, members are usually left in the dust. You are the fastest clearer, always. - A party member will always ask, "OMG dude WHAT are you using??!?" The nuking plus faster-than-light clear speed makes an impression on all party members. It's impossible not to notice. You're the center of attention. - Some won't like to party with you due to high clear speed, they hardly get to kill anything, so don't be surprised to see people drop out of party frequently because of this. They become jaded, jealous, and drop out. Ha! - Single target DPS is truly pitiful. This can't be overstated. 'Effing pitiful. - Did I mention ultra fast clear speeds? - Elemental reflect is a very serious issue (death is instantaneous). - Build is precariously squishy. Run up to mob, shotgun spec throw, hope/pray it triggers ASAP, if it delays at all or doesn't proc then 95% chance you're going to die. YOu can't face-tank the mob so don't try, but you're required to get close enough that you sort of can't avoid that at times, just just know one-two hits and you're dead. - Frozen/stunned/shocked = dead. - Low health/low regen (non existent regen) - Ranged mobs are scary (because you're so squishy and they're out of range). - Unique/Rare bosses are major problem (basically can't kill them). - Mana problems are real. Slow recharge/no recharge My one big tip:
Until crit chance lvl is high enough to trigger discharge reliably, use diamond flasks:
(1) Face rush mob; (2) hit diamond flask, (3) hit spectral throw; (4) watch discharge nuke 99% of mob (5) move on to next mob, rinse/repeat. Diamond flask almost guarantees a crit hit thus triggering discharge. - UNIQUE/RARE MONSTERS:
Ultra fast clear speeds are great but also, relatively-speaking, useless when you can't deal with unique and rare monsters. And so far, at lvl 59, this build can't. I haven't found a solution to this yet, so I just move on from rare/unique monsters--can't do this forever.
Killing them is so slow or impractical. Currently, I'm trying to use elemental weakness to help with this but it's not doing a whole lot. How is everyone else dealing with this issue? - Elemental reflect breaks end game....
Everytime I hit elemental reflect i'm /insta-dead before I even know what happened. This build is all about fast clear speeds and killing mobs before they have a chance to attack because otherwise you're dead. So, slowing down to mouse over an enemy (that's moving & attacking you) and try and read his spec is just not viable. Sorry, it's not. So, what to do here? I know the build calls for using EK, but to use that you first need know when to use it... and that's the real issue--you don't know until it's too late.
Ideally, I'd like to make it so I never have to switch to an EK set-up. Is this possible? Really need help with this. - VOLLS 6-Link issue, colors:
- Unable to get Volls 5 or 6-linked nor can I get the right socket colors, getting three green is REALLY tough. This is my problem, not the builds, hopefully I can get lucky here. I'm lvl 59 and up to now using only a 4-link ST-GMP-COCS-DISCHARGE works but I may be hitting a wall soon. Time will tell.
can increased duration be lvled to max or must it stay at/below CWDT? My guess is it has to be like all the other gems: at or below lvl requirement of CWDT (31).... however, I just want to be absolutely clear on this since it would be hugely beneficial to level.
Last edited by S0_L337_1T_HURTS#4304 on Jun 2, 2014, 8:14:00 PM
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" Dude... This build is so out of date it's not funny. You can make a Shadow version that does 300% more damage and reflect is not an issue provided your lightning resist is capped. |
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Looked over your tree, please better explain why you find your build superior to this build.
Most people complain of survivablity with this build (and reflect in particular), not the damage per-se. Your build appears equal-to or less-than in terms of survivability of the original posters scion build. It's inspired by flicker builds, the critical damage of your build is higher by taking more critical multiplier nodes, but how much does it matter with discharge? Trash mobs melt regardless so the only real benefit must be for single target bosses. Do they melt faster, enough to warrant the use of the nodes over something else? I can basically respec into 99% of your build using my Scion, with few minor differences. Would love to see boss videos and high level maps. And can you better explain how reflect is better dealt with in your build, I don't quite fully understand. You say to max lightning resists. Is this the only secret? If so, it's not working. My resists are maxed. Two other concerns: your build loses a power charge and has less area damage (which you yourself mentioned). Area damage is more convenience than necessity, but boy, it's convenient... especially since ranged mobs are a problem. Power charge though, how big of a deal is that? I don't know, but I imagine big. POST SCRIPT AND OPEN QUESTION FOR COMMUNITY:
Is there any benefit or advantage to using dual daggers over single dagger with shield?
Last edited by S0_L337_1T_HURTS#4304 on Jun 3, 2014, 12:13:07 PM
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" Ok, by taking Vaal Pact I can do elemental reflect. I'm uploading a short clip of a 72 map (highest I have) because I only have a small quota on my mobile internet and it's terribly slow. Also because I have mobile internet I desync a lot so theres that too. I'm only level 74 though... that's why my hp is so low and I haven't taken the extra power charge/crit multiplier but by using ballistic mastery, I don't have to get too close to mobs... otherwise I'll be squished. http://youtu.be/ous5bvJKUH0 Power charges are not that big of a deal. There is a coc cyclone ek discharge build on these forums that only has 3 max power charges and they managed to do the full Atziri map (gg gear though). The tree I'm using Gear
But I wouldn't recommend this build or the original build for end game due to its squishy nature. Still fun though. Last edited by EcNeRWaLJ#7827 on Jun 8, 2014, 7:23:33 AM
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I'm going to try going CI... hopefully I can double the amount of hit points.
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I gave this build a try and am loving it despite it's few weaknesses that others have described. Although I don't seem to be AS squishy as some make the build out to be, I do seem to die often enough. I just hit level 74. I was reasonably lucky with my crafting to 6 link my Voll's and get GGGBBR. My life is around 2600 and resists are 75F/41C/75L and chaos at -48.
I'm trying to figure out where I can turn to improve most. My main reason for my post was to ask how much of a difference does Voll's Devotion make to this build? It seems like it could be a significant boost but not sure how it plays out when put to use. Does anyone have any personal experiences to share in this regard. I'd also be interested the same way about the Maligaro's gloves I see most people running this build have. Are they worth the modest cost? Thanks in advance. http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgAAAnEDlgQHBLMFfQhnDkgRlhRNFbgWQBZvFr8aOBzcHRQfAiQ8J6ktHzbFOtg7KD1fRnFJUUyzTdhQMFJTVcZW6lnzWm1e-mBDYqxjQ2ZPZp5tGW49cFJwVn5Zf8aBSYFvgh6DCYM4hX2IQox2j0aQG5BVkn2TJ5Yyl5WYb5oTnaOdqp48ogCnCKdcp4SyOLQMwBrAUcHFwfPIW89l0NDWndgk2wvb1OOE5c_sOO988h3z6vrS_Ks= |
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Also, I saw it asked earlier in this thread but did not see an answer. On the 4-link red setup with CWDT, Immortal Call and Molten Shell, does the Increased Duration support gem need to stay under the level requirement dictated by the CWDT gem or can it be at max level? Thanks for the clarification.
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