New loot system?

fourthx wrote:
Such a huge fuss when we don't even know which items it is. GGG has not stated which items it is so if someone told you such and such uniqie is map only they are making it up or repeating hearsay.

What are you talking about? "which item it is"... huh?
The question is because the patch notes say " rare uniques will be map drop only"
It's convaluted and unclear. We don't know which uniques are effected.
DamageIncorporated wrote:

sounds vaguely like someone realizing they're wrong, and looking for an easy out. you are just complaining for an easier game without even having concrete backing to your request. higher maps are so so much better that getting there easily would make this game pointless. you are expected to spend a shitload of currency getting there, and this is the reason its hard to level up. if you automatically are given the endgame, there isnt much point in playing at all in my opinion.
ign: hoya on hardcore
hoya is really shit at mapping
hoya wrote:
i agree that it's hard to get into high maps, but i like it that way. if getting 77 maps was easy, everybody would be running around at level 94 not giving a shit cuz its easy to get there. I like the way maps are currently, and i wouldnt ask for a change. Also this would diminish the value of high ilvl gear, which would lower the reward for getting there making pushing for high maps almost pointless anyways. thats my view at least.

The problem is that it's not hard it's luck based. A shitty player can get a string of lucky maps and get into a decent pile of good maps. On the other hand a skilled player can get all shitty maps and struggle to get any maps above 71ish. I don't think endgame should be 95% luck and 5% skill. When it is heavily luck based many people will skip the luck requirement and RMT their way to the top.
suprizsahib wrote:
Like lets say Marohi would require map lvl 75+ to drop while alphas howl only require map lvl 67+.

Marohi dropped for me from Merveil merc difficulty in cavern of anger after 1.0.0 patch.
Midnitecloud wrote:
hoya wrote:
i agree that it's hard to get into high maps, but i like it that way. if getting 77 maps was easy, everybody would be running around at level 94 not giving a shit cuz its easy to get there. I like the way maps are currently, and i wouldnt ask for a change. Also this would diminish the value of high ilvl gear, which would lower the reward for getting there making pushing for high maps almost pointless anyways. thats my view at least.

The problem is that it's not hard it's luck based. A shitty player can get a string of lucky maps and get into a decent pile of good maps. On the other hand a skilled player can get all shitty maps and struggle to get any maps above 71ish. I don't think endgame should be 95% luck and 5% skill. When it is heavily luck based many people will skip the luck requirement and RMT their way to the top.

i do 100% agree on the rmting high maps issue, but this is a separate issue to the difficulty of getting to endgame. and if its so luck based getting to high maps, why do the same players get there every league consistently, and stay there? im not saying its not luck based, but i dont think its as bad as you make it out to be. as it currently is, if you spend more currency and know what map rolls are good, you will on average win out over an extended period v/s a player who lucks out and just gets mad maps. this is the worst instance of RMT effecting a ladder though in my opinion.
ign: hoya on hardcore
hoya is really shit at mapping
My guess is ilvl 66 and up uniques, kaoms, shavs, auxium, and if theres others then them as well.
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2

Here's a discussion of items that HAVE been found outside of maps maybe you should check and contribute here instead of having tissy fits.
Midnitecloud wrote:
hoya wrote:
i agree that it's hard to get into high maps, but i like it that way. if getting 77 maps was easy, everybody would be running around at level 94 not giving a shit cuz its easy to get there. I like the way maps are currently, and i wouldnt ask for a change. Also this would diminish the value of high ilvl gear, which would lower the reward for getting there making pushing for high maps almost pointless anyways. thats my view at least.

The problem is that it's not hard it's luck based. A shitty player can get a string of lucky maps and get into a decent pile of good maps. On the other hand a skilled player can get all shitty maps and struggle to get any maps above 71ish. I don't think endgame should be 95% luck and 5% skill. When it is heavily luck based many people will skip the luck requirement and RMT their way to the top.

Why people troll for the sake of being a asshat I don't get. So you don't see my point of view..that doesn't equate to l2play you're doing it wrong etc.
EXP shouldnt be gated by RNG.

Just now, I did a lvl 70 map with 45% quantity.....I got one map, and it was lvl 68. Am I REALLY supposed to chisel a freeking 70 map?

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