Where are next season's rewards going?
" Wait what? Exaggerating a bit? In which countries do normal people speak 3-4 non-native languages? Boof's pictures.. well they might seem provocating to some, but they often manage to end an absurd/ridiculous/de-railed discussion. And remember, sometimes a picture says more than 1000 words. |
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" I speak two, I'm originally from Euroland. Funny that you'd call my posts provocations when all your posts are toxic, negative and generally brain-meltingly senseless. " Everyone except North Americans can speak at least 4 different languages, didn't you know? | |
" Yeah sorry I forgot. Everyone except my Euroland and your Euroland. |
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" Half of Europe for example. Eastern Europe countries usually know: Russian(former Sovietcountries), English, French/German/Italian/Spanish. You also have got several countries which were formerly one or speak several languages. Look at former Yugoslavia for example. I knew one childhoodfriend from Yugoslavia.His family being refugees because of the war in 1992. He spoke 3 languages already and it took him only 2 years to be fluent in my native language. Or look at Switzerland, that's pretty much the same situation as in Canada in Québec but with German, Italien, French and Romash. Most inhabitants there are Bi or even Trilangual add English and you got 4. Most nordic countries also understand each other because Denmark surpressed Norway for a long time(the original norse language far more similar to modern icelandic) And you can be certain that every nordic will know the situation if a Finn writes/says perkele. Same situation with Eastern Europe countries using kurwo/kurwa. Then there are languages with quiet similar grammar such as Swedish being quiet similar to German. Or neighbouring countries aren't much different such as Dutch being a mix of English, German(mostly) and French. A Dutch can learn German without much effort and a German can learn Dutch without much effort and there is barely any problem understanding them. You shouldn't look down on small countries and claim "'murica is the Best", when in fact the school system is the one of the bottom ones of the OECD countries. Closing the eyes believ Countries being powerful believe that their language is the most important and the population speaks 1-3 languages at best. Maybe opening the eyes would help then you would see that the only thing the US is #1 are military investments but everything that matters they are average or rather low ranked and only countries not being able to do better are ranked lower. Or look at the justice system I wouldn't even score higher than countries with a dictatorship. A system where it doesn't matter if a person is guilty or not guilty. Federal prosecutors using their powers to bribe inmates to become a star witness to win the case and send the defendant into Prison/Death Row. Because winning cases means getting a chance to become a Federal public prosecutor. Cases somebody send to jail because a cellmate got bribed and claims that the defendant confessed to him and not even all documents will be used in a case because they prove a person is not guilty for example. In my country such prosecutors would be send to jail once something like that has been found outbecause of abuse of authority, knowing of unjustified incarceration and if the person was on Death Row it would even become a case of attempted or finished first degree murder! " Even his post is the second post using a stupid not even creative provocation? Hey posting Toy Story with "idiots everywhere" or something similar isn't ad hominem? "Omg ScrotieMCB and Hilbert in one thread world is ending". Nothing but a cheap provocation of somebody uneducated. He didn't even read a single posting because it was a thread about the horrible community. |
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" Gibberish? #1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
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Read my postings then you know where I am from cheap provocateur.
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" It doesn't matter to me where you are from. I judge people based on the quality of their posts, not their nationality. I quite enjoy reading some of your posts Hilbert, they add alot of entertainment value to this forum, but surely you must be aware that some of your posts really don't make any sense at all? #1 Victim of Murphy's Law. Last edited by SlixSC#6287 on Oct 29, 2013, 3:14:38 PM
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You latest post is an excellent example of a typical Hilbert post that confirmed a few things about how you post. Here is a few examples:
" I am Danish. Need I say more? Ok: - Denmark surpassed/suppressed (English please?) Norway? Wait what? Referring to a post WWII event? (Norway broke free from DK in 1814). - Yes, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian are much alike and we (mostly) understand each other, but Finnish? Finnish is not even close to Danish/Norwegian/Swedish and I have never heard about "perkele" and have no clue what it is about. They might do in northern Sweden/Norway though but in general, Finnish is closer to Russian than to Scandinavian languages. - Also, I would never claim that I "speak" Swedish and Norwegian (making it 3 non-native languages) just because I understand most Swedes and Norwegians. Many Danes can speak a Swedish friendly version of Danish but that is not the same as Swedish. " We are not talking about grammar. We are talking about speaking non-native languages. " We are not talking about the ability to learn the languages. We are talking about speaking them. " One of my best Hilbert quotes ever simply due to the ending of that sentence. Do you read your own posts? On topic: NO ONE mentioned 'Murica/USA but you when you mistakenly assumed that Boof is American. And living in a country with 5 million citizens, I would never look down on a small country. " This is entirely off topic. It has nothing to with speaking non-native languages (and not the topic of the OP either for that matter). If you want to write an essay about USA, please do it elsewhere. Last edited by Hassefar60#0882 on Oct 29, 2013, 3:55:37 PM
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" That's the time I am talking about, also I am typing quiet fast I am not proof reading in forums/chat even there is a typo or a missing word you can easily get the context. That's something intelligent people are able to do. " Maybe it would had been better if I had used Scandinavia, than Nordic. The Border between Finland and Sweden is huge and there are Fenno-Swedes. Yet there are regions such as Bornholm but they were only occupied by the Soviets during WW2. Danes living in the southern part of Denmark also understand German. " Even if you don't speak it because you never had the opportunity to learn it. How much effort would it take to learn Swedish compared to Spanish or Portugese for example? " Several people are able to speak them because they learn it in school! It's easier than any unfamiliar language. Besides teaching English there is an optional 3rd language and several students take a third familiar language. " Then he should keep quiet because his posts are short note forms or cheap provocations. It's always easy to throw rocks. He wouldn't understand business English or scientific English at all. His main goal is to provocate but he provocates in a manner only uneducated people do. |
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