[1.1.0] Ghore's Immortal Incinerate Regen Tank (EB + Mind over Matter/Max Block/Max AA)
1.1 Update
Here is a quick build I put together that should work pretty well. I will fiddle with it some more and see what else I can come up with. I'm currently playing Invasion and I may or may not do this build in the near future, still unsure of what I want my second/third characters to be. Hey everyone... I've been playing this build for a couple days now and so far I'm thoroughly impressed with the results, thus I've decided to share the glory with all my fellow PoE fanatics. Here I present to you my Immortal Incinerate Regen Tank. This build uses Eldritch Battery with Mind Over Matter to give us very high amounts of regen and to allow our mana to be an extension of our health pool. This build also uses max block with a high amount of spell block as well, both of which will trigger a large amount of reflected damage back from Tempest Shield and The Anvil and both of which will trigger health and/or mana back to the player, a flat amount of health and mana from the anvil and a pretty substantial amount of mana from mana leech in Tempest Shield. Both of which greatly increase survivability. While using a Cybils Paw'd Incinerate we can achieve extremely high amounts of life leech without the need for a Life leech gem. Additionally, you have the option of running mana leech and/or life leech to exponentially increase how much incoming damage you can shrug off.
Basic Info
As you'll soon see, theres a lot of interesting and unique interactions between items and skills with this build so I will try to be as thorough as I can.
First and foremost this is a Tank build, the damage will be fair at best but the goal of the build is to be as tanky as possible. Secondly, this build takes some very specific itemization to be able to pull it off so it may take some currency to get the off-pieces that you need, but all of the uniques used in the build are fairly cheap excluding Rainbowstrides and Immortal Flesh. Both of which are optional extensions to the build. (More on that later, of course)
Passive Tree
The current skill tree I am using looks like this:
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgUAAP0B5wJxBLMFLQVbFCAUTRSwFm8XUBkuGYUaMho4GlUdFCFgJKon7SjFKU826DbpOthAoENjRtdMLUw1TdhQR1BQUWBUSVXGVw1YY1j1WfNdxl4TXypfP2BLYSFko2aecH1xTXRVdO108XrvfM6Bb4IehO-FMocpi4yMdozPj0aQVZrPm6GdxJ48nrmezZ_LoLSiAKcwp4SplayYrKqsr7UEtzG53cAaw4bG2M9l0NDSIdSP2WHbC-Fz42rkIudS55Hr5Ow47SDvDvAf8i_zvvPd9kj31_rS-6o= My current end build looks like this: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgUAAP0B5wJxBLMFLQVbFCAUTRSwFm8XUBkuGYUaMho4GlUdFCFgJKon7SjFKU826DbpOthAoENjRtdMLUw1TdhQR1BQUWBUSVXGVw1YY1j1WfNdxl4TXypfP2BLYSFko2aecH1xTXRVdO108XrvfM6Bb4IehO-FMocpi4yMdozPj0aQVZrPm6GdxJ48nrmezZ_LoLSiAKcwp4SplayYrKqsr7UEtzG53cAaw4bG2M9l0NDSIdSP2WHbC-Fz42rkIudS55Hr5Ow47SDvDvAf8i_zvvPd9kj31_rS-6o= A mara tree looks like this: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEAxthYY1BQjM_2SF8_VEnnUu8Oud3yL9SPGS4n7fPdrKpZ88AakFWnhBo47Dg62E3YjHaePIFvBLMCcRRNogDwH2aecU2az0NjtzFY9Z3E-tJwfamVGjJRYB0UTDUoxfO-j0bQ0M9lVcaboffXrJgUsAD9F1BMLYIe2wt0VXzO6-RfKtlhVw3SIZ7NpzAUIFBHAeefyzboZKMaVWEhhO907XrvYEsFLV4Tw4bnkayvQKAhYHTxhTKeuQ== You could also go a slightly longer route but have access to more life nodes in the "Circle of Life": http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEAxthYY1BQjM_2SF8_VEnnUu8Oud3yL9SPGS4n7cT2PC3Grrc-_grnY4jxrFk1krXyqW54Db6KAdykGeLqYSGE73Tteu9gSwUtXhPDhueRrK9AoCFgdPGFMp65TP-vbMWK8B-iABRNBLMCcXy7njxN2Ix2OtjsOBo4p4SQVcAaZp5xTZrPQ2O3MVj1ncT60h0UTDUoxfO-j0bQ0M9lVcaboffXrJgUsAD9F1BMLYIe2wtYrzboAeefyzbp42o=
Tree Explanation
I chose Templar but this build can be done as marauder and possibly as witch but probably isn't as tanky.
I did not level up with this build (it was a respecced build) so I really can't offer any insight on that, but I would imagine using freezing pulse or melee will work up until early-mid merciless where the switch to Incinerate shouldn't be too painful. Pretty much once you've got enough regen to sustain your Incinerate is when you should be fine to switch over. As far as the tree itself goes... The route I took is fairly optimized I feel, not many wasted points getting EB and MoM. (As they are very far apart) Maximizing health and block nodes is key. Unwavering Stance is mandatory as well, as getting stunned stops casting of Incinerate and with this high block you can potentially lock yourself down.
This build makes use of several uniques...
Core: Simply put Cybils Paw is an absolutely insane item with Incinerate, the Life Gain allows you to not have to run Life Leech and when running it with Life Leech give a massive amount of safety. Also the spell damage from block really helps as this build gets very minimal damage from the tree but has a maxed out block chance. It equates to about 90% spell damage with mid 70s block. Another very under appreciated item I feel...Anvil offers some pretty awesome benefits to anyone who specializes in blocking. The reduced cast speed isn't much damage loss on Incinerate, so that's not a huge deal, however the move speed loss is pretty noticeable but isn't too big of an issue. The Life and Mana gain on block doesn't seem like much but with a maxed out block and very high spell block it procs very often and is a noticeable increase to survivability. The reflected physical damage is another aspect that at first glance seems pretty lackluster but is actually incredibly strong. This item is used for a few different reasons: First being needing a straight ES shield to boost our mana regen. The %defence nodes from the tree actually boost the amount of ES you are getting from this by a pretty high amount. Second being that spellblock is a very powerful stat to have a lot of. Incinerate has a big weakness to Lightning Thorns, spellblock will help mitigate that a fair amount. Also having spell block means we have even more of a chance to block and gain hp/mana back and reflect damage. Another aspect of spellblock is reflect, being able to block your own reflected damage is very nice, this couple with a High level Artic Armor means you are immune to elemental reflect. The spell damage is an added bonus and the increased life % makes up for not having a maximum life roll. Optional: Immortal Flesh is a Diamond Unique created by Xenest added in 1.0 While it has some drawbacks that most builds will not be able to overcome and some fairly specific design choices, it is an immensely powerful item if used with the right build. I feel like this is one of those builds... Artic Armour was a large factor in the creation of the belt as it gives an amazing synergy and a very power full flat physical damage reduction, espcially if a build can run a maxed out or very high level. The drawbacks of minus res can be compensated for by getting nice off-pieces or grabbing extra elemental resistance nodes in the tree (two 10% nodes near Phalanx) the drawback of having a lower res cap is very harsh if a build does not take specific precations for. The best way to counteract a lower res cap is to have spell block. So this build, utilizing a High Level AA and having spellblock, is a great candidate to run immortal flesh. So far I've only taken the belt off to do temple piety and to run heavy minus res maps with other heavy damage oriented mods. But for the most part I keep the belt on and it is an incredibly noticeable decrease in the amount of physical damage taken. I've done several negative res maps without any heavy damage oriented mods with very little troubles. Since AA also decreases fire damage taken it's pretty safe against fire damage most of the time. Cold can be kind of dangerous if its a large amount of multi projectiles such as sea witches, frost skelly mages or the Hailrake and Asphyxia bosses, as being frozen stops the casting of incinerate. And lightning is, as always, potentially dangerous with a lower res cap. The rainbowstrides are used to increase the spellblock chance for low 50s to low 70s to compensate for the lower resistance cap. They also give a nice boost to our mana which is always a plus, remember losing some health for a gain in mana and mana regen is mostly a minor loss and potentially a net gain. These by themselves will give a large increase to survability if you don't have an Immortal Flesh yet or don't intend to run one. Its an easy way to get a lot of mana or to increase your overall survivability to spell damage. I haven't tested it, but you could run these and drop the rathpith glove for a different shield if you aren't running Immortal Flesh. This would be a very easy way to gain some mana regen from a heavier ES shield, or to get some extra physical reduction and a fair amount of mana from a armor/es hybrid. Both of these uniques are most definitely optional as this build is plenty of tanky without them but using either just the rainbowstrides or both the Immortal flesh and the RS you can add another layer to the builds defensive capabilities.
More Notes on Incorporating Immortal Flesh
Upon first glance Immortal Flesh seems like a very strange item and probably not very good, not to mention hard to build around.
Well, it's a pretty straightforward item when you break it down. This item gives you a lot of physical reduction but makes you more susceptible to spell damage by having a lower max res. The regen is also very nice with a build like this as it is a regen tank. So basically the easiest way to counteract the lower res cap is to stack spell avoidance, with this builds case it would be Spell Block. We already have a good bit of Spell Block but 51% simply isn't enough. So switching out standard max life/res/movespeed boots for a pair of RainbowStrides will boost the Spellblock up to ~94% Spellblock which equates to a low 70s Spell block. Not to mention give a healthy boost to our mana and mana regen. (Remember mana is an extension of the health pool with this build so sacricifing some life for a lot of mana is a very fair trade off) So far the only time I've taken the belt off is to do Temple Piety...If I run both leeches I'm pretty sure I wouldn't need to do this but I do it as a precaution as we all know Temple Piety is NO joke. But with 71% spell block my health never spikes due to spell damage despite having a lower max res cap. Needless to say I take nearly no physical damage anymore, as the %40 armor increase coupled with the flat damage reduction, on top of the flat reduction from Artic Armour, negate a massive amount of damage. With this high avoidance and mitigation the elemental status effects will hardly every come up and when they do its only for a split second, so the armour buff is almost always coming into play. I think since I've switched over to Immortal Flesh I've been frozen twice, both of which for less than half of a second. I've been shocked three times, all of which were under a half second. And Burn maybe 4 or 5 times for no more than a second and a half. I have been running this belt for just over a day and have done tons of maps with it. Even on -max res maps it's still completely doable. The sheer amount of tank that this build achieves is pretty staggering and Immortal Flesh really makes it shine even more so. Another great part of Immortal Flesh is that its a belt, which is only 2 inventory slots, so theres nothing stopping you from carrying a regular belt and switching out to it if you think you're going to encounter some heavy spell damage. Other Optional Uniques: You could also use a saffels frame to comepensate for the -max res loss or to just boost your spell damage survivability. A dream fragments would also work pretty well with this build.
Tempest Shield
Tempest Shield plays a large part in how this build functions.
So, why would we run a Tempest Shield over another aura? Tempest Shield gives more block, which is nice, but also causes enemies to take damage when you block. Which is cool in and of itself, but when you put in Mana Leech, your tempest shield turns into an automatic source of direct survability. Not to mention that it and the anvil reflect will cause enemies to kill themselves fairly quickly. Now, with Mind over Matter, your mana pool becomes an extension of your health. So any and all gains to your mana are directly impacting your survability as a whole. Which is why TS is run over a defensive aura.
I feel like you need atleast a 5L to make incinerate work well, but a 6L is what really makes this build shine. But a 4L would still work fine I feel.
Incinerate needs to be as high quality as you can get...A good substitute is running a faster projectiles until you get a 20Q incinerate. The added range from the projectile speed is absolutely mandatory. Both faster casting and Lesser Multiple Projectiles are mandatory links. Faster Casting increases the ramp up time to stage 3 and the overall damage in general. LMP gives you some much needed AoE with a minimal damage loss. Added Chaos Damage is another link that's for the most part mandatory...It scales very well with Incinerate espcially with Iron Will. It's much better than added lightning or added cold as these do not scale well with the way incinerate functions. Also Chaos damage is just cool, period. So a 4L would look like this: Incinerate-Faster Casting-LMP-Added Chaos. This is more or less you're basic Incinerate for any build that uses it. The fifth and sixth links are very flexible: Iron Will scales fairly well, as we'll have a decent amount of strength and it will also boost the damage on Added Chaos, which is a nice plus. As mentioned above Faster Projectiles is very strong with Incinerate. It greatly increases the range and has a little damage boost as well. Without a quality Incinerate I would recommend running this at all times, but with a 20Q Incinerate you don't have to run it. The massive range on a 20Q Incinerate and Faster Proj is very nice though. Both Life Leech and Mana Leech help this build out a lot. Since we have Mind over Matter our mana is an extension of our health. So mana leech is more than just a "use to keep casting the spell" as it will help mitigate the mana damage by a large amount. As mentioned above you don't have to run Life Leech with a Cybils Paw but coupling them adds a massive amount of survivabilty. The setup I use in my 6L is: Incinerate, Faster Casting, LMP, Added Chaos, Iron Will, Faster Projectiles. I switch out Iron Will and Faster Projectiles for Life Leech and Mana Leech, respectively, when I run half regen or I'm facing a tough boss. For the most part I don't have to switch out to Leeches much at all...I have enough mana regen to sustain incinerate indefinitely on a half regen map, even with AA going. (Given I have to toggle AA off when I move for more than a few paces on half reg) So swapping in the leeches is kind of a emergency mode.
Tempest Shield
Tempest Shield has to be run in a 4L. Which looks like: TS-Reduced Mana-Mana Leech-Iron Will
As explained in the TS section, the automatic mana leeching is an immense amount of surv for this build. Iron Will will increase its damage by quite a bit. This 4L is also pretty nice as the two linked gems have no mana cost multiplier yet greatly increase the effectiveness of TS.
The two auras this build runs are Clarity and Discipline.
Clarity is run on health by using blood magic gem and discipline is run on mana. Note: With enough mana, clarity can be run on your mana as well. I've done a little bit of testing and as long as you have a little over 1k or so usable mana you should be good to go. This combo should be obvious but Clarity gives a large amount of mana regen which helps sustain incinerate, artic armour and helps with the MoM mitigation. Discipline will also greatly increase your total mana while giving you a pretty healthy boost to mana regen as a result of more mana. Again, the regen helps out a lot and having more mana means more possible mitigation.
Artic Armour
AA is incredibly strong with this build and should be run even if your gear only allows for a lower level one to be run.
On my current setup I'm running a level 17 AA with intentions to keep leveling it to 20 and run it as maxed out potentially 21-22 with an empower (AA scales really hard post 20). At first I was kind of iffy about running AA, cause the drain on mana can be pretty harsh. But thankfully incinerate is a stationary ability, so most of the time you're going to be standing still which is a very minimal mana drain. But, the physical damage reduction is invaluable. It's reducing how much damage you're taking by a flat amount, which lowers how much mana loss that you'll get with MoM. I'm sure someone who can Math well (because I can't) could come and show just how much survability that AA gives with a build like this. (Comparing the mana regen loss to the damage reduction gain and what not) The -fire helps out a lot as well, as fire damage can be pretty rough but it also helps mitigate reflect even more. With high spell block and a high artic armor you take literally no damage from elemental reflect. AA should be ran in any single slot that you can find as no support gems will affect it other than empower.
My Gear Setup
My current gears looks like this:
As stated above some specific itemization is required on a few items.
As I'm sure many will notice I am way overcapped on res which is intentional. (Curses be damned) You should have enough ES from just the rathpith and the % nodes in the tree to get a very respctable amount of mana and mana regen, with running clarity and discipline. Mana regen on rings is mandatory as well, you need as high regen as possible to be able to sustain the artic armour and for mitigation purposes in general...Remember our mana is an extension of our health.
I'm currently running two health flasks, one hybrid flask, one granite and one quicksilver. I've been dabbling with dropping a health flask for another hybrid flask, which would probably give me some more survability. Ideally I think One instant health flask with a dispel of some sort should be more than enough for our health. While having one to two hybrids to make sure our mana is as high as possible.
I actually very seldom need to use any flask charges on this build. I probably have to use a non-quicksilver flask once every few maps. I will do some experimenting and update this portion with any findings.
With my regular setup my main stats are as follows:
Armour: 3261 Physical Reduction: 26% Block: 76% Spell Block: 53% Life Regen: 166.6 Mana Regen 219.1 4415 Life 3114 Mana Incinerate is doing 1615.1 DPS My level 18, 20% quality Tempest Shield is hitting for 465-697 With my Immortal Flesh setup my stats look like: Same armour: the 40% on Immortal Flesh DOES NOT show up in the tooltip Physical Reduction: Same thing, doesn't factor in Imm Flesh to the tooltip Block: 76% Spellblock: 71% Life Regen: 252.3 Mana Regen: 240.7 Life: 4167 Mana: 3573 I have 1464 usable mana after TS and Disc.
Normal: Max life...help Oak Cruel: Cast Speed...help Alira Merciless: Help oak for Endurance OR Kill them all for the passive...This one comes down to preference, I'm currently using an extra point but an endurance charge never hurts
General Gameplay
In terms of gameplay the build is very straightforward...
Depending on gear Artic Armor will either need to be toggled on/off or just simply turned on like an aura. You want to shoot to be able to run it like an aura but also knowing when to turn it off and let your mana regen kick in is pretty key. Having the Mind over Matter node definitely takes some getting used too but you'll quickly learn to love it. Since this is a tank build you want to be right up front in the action constantly, the high block and heavy mitigation from AA will mean even the strongest of foes will not be able to topple you. You can cast lightning warp and then start casting Incinerate to build up your stages before the warp pulls you. This is a really handy way to have a stage 1-2 Incinerate right at the start of a fight. Lightning Warp also has the handy bonus of moving you without giving you the heavy mana drain on AA, which could be helpful on some lower mana regen chars.
Warlord's Mark with Mind over Matter
As odd as it sounds, warlord's mark can potentially be a dangerous curse for any build that uses MoM. The mana leech from it cuts the effectiveness of how much mitigation MoM is giving. Typically with a good amount of armor and high regen this won't come into play very often, but on some harder physical mobs it will certaintly be noticeable.
My Thoughts
This build is by far the most tanky build that I've played and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I really like having a high amount of block along with a high amount of mitigation as well. I've not encounter any mob that can spike me for lethal amounts of damage. With this high level of block and spell block I only take damage once every couple seconds, even with many mobs attacking me. When I do take damage it's typically not very much and if it is, the time between the next time I get spiked I have more than enough regen to get back to max health/mana. The mana gain from Tempest Shield is pretty substantial. A hybrid flask will negate just about any damage fairly quickly. Like I've said before this build has me spoiled as I very seldom need to use any flasks outside of quicksilvers for mobility.
My Videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g57iVzUbe-4&feature=youtu.be Community Videos: Videos by Phildo: Poorjoys Asylum: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPP7tBb8YXs&feature=youtu.be Dominus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnEKRU_5_-o&feature=youtu.be Jungle Valley (72 map) Boss (Weaver): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_seeYAErN7k&feature=youtu.be Reflect Test by Mawwk: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VpscM_cKCE&feature=youtu.be
It goes without saying but I thought I would clarify anyways: this is an exceptional hardcore build. Absolute beast of a tank while still having decent damage output when you factor in all of your reflected damage as well
I am open to any and all constructive feedback or criticism. This is a build I initially started as just a simple incinerate tank but the pieces quickly fell into place after I grabbed EB and MoM. So there may be some optimizations that I've missed, or other alternate ways to go about doing things. I will answer any and all questions as best I can. This build is currently on hold as I reroll to nemesis/HC (can't take awful economy of SC anymore) but once I get the character going I will update this post with a new section specifically for the progress on nemesis. Thanks for looking! IGN: Ghured Last edited by Vandalain#2745 on Mar 11, 2014, 1:39:12 AM
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IGN: Ghured
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Looks like a cool build, thanks for sharing.
I've always thought Incinerate was an under-rated skill. Gonna try and score one of those paws and the Anvil, then give it a shot - heaps of level 50-70 chars with a respec just sitting there! |
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I've always felt the same about Incinerate...As long as I can remember I've wanted to do an incinerate build but I've never gotten around to it. When the respecs came I decided it was time to do just that.
All three of the core uniques for the build are very cheap, so you shouldn't have any problems getting them. I hope you enjoy the build! IGN: Ghured
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Added gameplay video
IGN: Ghured
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What are your thoughts on Cloak of Defiance?
follow up, what about Mind Spiral/Ondars Flight for the damage taken to mana conversion? merp merp Last edited by Navac#7643 on Oct 29, 2013, 1:36:50 AM
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It's definitely an interesting item, although I feel like it's mostly meant for builds that can't get Mind over Matter but would still benefit from it. Espcially with the extra reduction.
With a build like this the extra reduction could potentially be very strong. I would have to get atleast 5L one to potentially try it out. I really like the overall design of Mind over Matter as a whole and I feel like Cloak of Defiance has the potential to be very strong with a properly set up build. IGN: Ghured
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I haven't tested either of them but, Mindspiral and Ondars are both pretty good with Mind over Matter I think. They will both directly add to the mitigation that MoM is giving you.
But I really feel that with Minspiral and/or Ondars you want to be taking damage as much as possible. With this build there is a high amount of avoidance coming into play so that's going to reduce how often you're getting the extra mitigation from the mana gain on them. I feel with a build that uses MoM but has little to no avoidance, Minspiral and Ondars could potentially really shine and add a lot of survivability to the build as a whole. IGN: Ghured Last edited by Vandalain#2745 on Oct 29, 2013, 4:48:33 AM
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Exactly how necessary is a 6 link to this build? Would a 5 link be able to manage?
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so i guess my build is notz that unique ;)
i just rerspecced my maradeur into incinerat life based rightous fire. It worked very well but lightning thorns are a problem and the investement for rightous fire was to much i think. So i tried to get thgat build working with spellblock. And its fucking awsome pretty similar ro urs but also different in some cases. i cant rechrome my chest so i cant use faster casting , and im trying to get it on gear and in tree. i hink fire pen is a must though i see u have lots of es nodes , i think with better gear u will be able to drop a lot of them. i also decided to go for iron will, im not 100 % sure if its worth it but it fells pretty good. 5 k armor that way . as with the amulet i totaly understand that the anvil is awsome and i also have agood rolled one. but with my current gear setup i need mana regen and the castspeed loss is harder for me ,also the -20 ms a re a real turnoff on that slot so i wear (bought today) with that gear i run purity ,grace .carity and tempest shield and have 700 mana left. i want to get to about 900 left i think with better es gear. for the passiv tree i thiught a long time about tthe way to eb and i felt if i dont need the mana i can go the dmg witch way (also cast speed later) but im not 100%sure if its better or not. http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgUAAecCcQSzBS0FWxQgFE0XLxkuGjIaOBpVG8gdFB8CIWAkiyftKMUppSycLR82xTboNuk62D0PQKBDMUSrRtdJG0w1TdhOKlBHUWBVrlXGVdZXDV3GXhNgS2BtYSFko2TnZp5tGXB9dO108XrvfLt99YCkgW-CHoM4hO-FModli4yMdo9Gj6aQVZwtnYCePJ65ns2fy6C0ogCnCKcwp4Splayvr7e2QcAawfPDhsT2z2XQ0NIh2CTZYdsL3fPhc-Nq55HsOO0g877z3frS-6o= would love to hear ur ideas/thought to my build . Very well written guide to an awsome build btw edit. if i can get a similar wand with projec speed i could always use mana leech . ( i use it for half regen now works awsome ,but the range suffers alot. Last edited by karlklaps#7622 on Oct 29, 2013, 1:13:33 PM
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