[1.0.0] Dodge critical dagger: Spectral throw/double/Reave/Lightning/flicker bloodrage nonCI (video)
I want to emphasize several points in this thread
(1) Utilization of blooddance boots and bloodrage to get high physical life leech and keep permanent frenzy charge (2) Because higher mana requirement of aura, and more powerful of aura. How to put more aura in your mana pool is important. And it is highly equipment dependence for going to EB mode. So the best way to resolve mana problem is to put a Blood magic gem in your socket of main attack. (3) BM gem + blooddance boots + bloodrage may become a keystone in many build in this version. And you can fill with aura in your mana pool. (4) Be a melee dagger shadow, you don't need change your socket color to play 4 kinds of main attack skill (Reave, double strike, flicker strike, lightning strike). You can also watch my previous thread for many testing video (http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/513066) (5) After 1.0.0 version, dps is buff in the same build. its a good news! (6) Dodge and Ondar's guile are amazing! (7) Because of cast when damage taken, you can link many defense skill, such as decoy totem, summon skeleton, immortal call, etc.. (8) Spectral throw is an interesting skill. It need precise moving for enhancing the damage. It had a lot of fun. But it is very weak to a single mob. You need second main skill to kill residual mobs. Skills curse: Critical Weakness aura: tempest shield + grace + Hatred Melee mode: 2 green color + 4 red color 6L: Melee physical dmg + faster attack + multistrike + Blood magic (1) lightning strike + LMP (2) Reave + add fire dmg/konckback/WED (3) double strike + Melee splash (4) Flicker strike + Melee splash you can choose one of them, have fun! Spectral throw mode: 3 green color + 3 red color 6L: ST + GMP + FA + AFD + WED + BM Key gear My gear
Video 1 Spectral throw demostration 6L: ST + GMP + FA + AFD + WED + BM dps about 3100 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAhHxUc69FU Video 2 Spectral throw vs double strike ST(dps 3100) vs double splash (dps 18000) ST 6L: ST + GMP + FA + AFD + WED + BM DS 6L: DS + MultiStrike + MeleeSplash + MPD + FA + BM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0QO8nOH6rs Video 3 4 skills demonstration: Reave, double strike, flicker strike, lightning strike http://youtu.be/Vx6ihlz0CYI Passive Tree Last edited by Donaldgo#3793 on Nov 30, 2013, 10:19:59 PM
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Where is the Flicker skill / Reave Gems , it is not in the gears -.-
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nice update, will check this often as i level
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Thanks for posting this, I found this a bit after I started my shadow in nemesis. I've always played shadow and always played CI lightning strike..one night I sat down and said I want to use acrobatics and I started my shadow when the new leagues hit and then found this. I was relieved someone decided to do this build as well.
I'm currently lv58 here is my passive tree: I will respec out of the 6 shadow max life's eventually and move into the ones closer to ranger and hopefully the resist nodes one day. So far the build works great in nemesis though I am only lv58. Currently I do not use the BM gem because I only have a 4L(DS, life leech, faster attacks, melee splash is working well). Also I am running hatred and clarity (not sure I need the mana regen or not..tempest shield might be better). I really want to run graceeee :\ Last edited by nicblue#4202 on Nov 1, 2013, 12:18:08 AM
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what is pros and cons of this build?
Is it gear depending? Easy for newby? IGN:SoRcE_
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" It is not really -that- gear dependent, you just need the blood dance boots which is pretty cheap. You need a great physical dagger, evasion gear and of course capped resists. The cons of this build is being HP based, I only have 2.9k HP at lv67 and I basically have HP on all my gear. A five or six link would be ideal for this build (as is for any melee hp build). Here's my gear (ignore a lot of sockets/gems trying to move shit around + leveling odd gems)
Easy for a new player...Are you planning on playing hardcore or are you going to standard? If you're going to play in standard I think you can complete this build easily. Leveling up was a breeze, I basically used double strike and melee splash. Frenzy to gain charges because of no blood rage. Last edited by nicblue#4202 on Nov 4, 2013, 3:58:46 PM
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How did you deal with reflect critical dmg? I've been working on a similar build, evasion/block/dodge + critical dagger shadow. I haven't ran into any problems with it yet, but have you killed yourself on reflect dmg when you couldn't block or evade your owned crit reflected back at you?
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I haven't ran into that problem yet. My dps isn't very high..double strike is only at 5.8k with splash, multi, faster attacks, (4L no qualities)
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(1) Evasion and dodge can reduce the possibility of reflect damage
(2) You should separate the small boss and the other monster and hit them carefully. Most situation is safe. (3) Getting more life pool for sudden death prevention. Life pool > 3000 is necessary. |
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