Singapore/SEA Guild Recruitment -REMOVED- (Pharys Dragnus)

Ues. We have people from all leagues. although mainly in Standard & Domination
Hi, I'm fron SG and wondering if there's still any slot!

Hi. I would like to join your guild, KenXtreme. Please invite, thanks.

IGN : BaeYongJIn
League : Domination
bump added the few already. anymore SEA players?
Ign: zXavierBoom

usually online whenever i can HAHA

SGean HERE! invite me~
added already. I believe we have more SEA players than this!
Neighbor Malaysian Chinese

IGN: RangeStriker

Would Like to be in a guild too :) I will online whenever I can.
In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.
-Bill Cosby

Currently looking for a Singaporean guild. Domination League (err.. Dominant preferred). Find meeeeee~
Domination server.

Am from singapore.
Last edited by Mewwix#1239 on Dec 27, 2013, 6:57:17 AM

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