Witch Builds List 1.0 - 2.4 (closed)

Due to limited time available i can no longer maintain the build list.
Below you can find a list for 2.2-2.4 builds and a link to the archive for older builds.

builds 2.2-2.4

ELE [2.2 ELE] Atherakhia's BEGINNER FRIENDLY Arctic Breath Elementalist Witch
ELE [2.4] Freezer Burn - AB AoF MoM EO, Cheap, Fun, Screw the Meta
ELE [2.4] Sorith's Arctic Breath Shotgun Witch [Budget friendly & nice clear speed]
ELE [2.4] ESC - The Pyromaniac - Burning Breath - cheap&fun AoF, EO - AB build fire conversion
ELE [2.2] Crit Freezing Pulser Elementalist - Perandus HC
OCC [2.2] {HC} Occultist CI Crit Freezing Pulse - Ascendancy Update
NEC [2.2.1][HC] Block Necromancer / Dual Curse / Freeze Pulser
OCC [ Perandus SC League ] PA+RF Freeze Pulser Critter Occultist
OCC [2.4] Crystal - Crit Freezing Pulse - 155k DPS, 10k ES, CI, Occultist
ELE 2.2 Elementalist Ice nova. Insane clear speed, AoE, and damage. Super cheap
OCC CI's Wet Dream - Crit - Doulbe/Triple Curse - Cast When Stunned - Ice Caster
ELE [2.4] Crit Ice Nova Elementalist - <2 min Gorges, Freezes bosses
ELE [2.4] Frozen Orb Witch ((Frostbolt+IceNova))
ELE UPDATED 2.2 [ELE] | [2.0][Darkshrine HC] Crit Ice Spears! MoM + EB with ZO
OCC [2.2] occultist classic ice spear build.
ELE [2.4] Ice Spear PermaFreeze ES/Life+MoM Elementalist
ELE [2.4] Avatar of Fire Ice Spear Burn Proliferation Elementalist fire conversion
ELE [2.4] The Rimefire Witch - Ignite Ice Spear by CantripN (6K+ Life, Acro, VP, MoM) fire conversion
-----ICESTORM (whispering ice)
OCC [2.2 Whispering Ice, Lowlife, Pure Unique wearer 1900+ Int, updated]
ELE [2.4] The Curse Whisperer - Tri-Curse CI Whispering Ice Elementalist - All Targets, Low Budget
NEC [2.4 ATLAS] Qlbuto's CI Whispering Ice... Necromancer ?!
ELE [2.3] Myra Burning Vortex (CHEAP, 100% fire, AA, dual curse, Vaal Pact, Vaal righteous fire)
ELE 2.3 - The Frost Nuke™ - Crit Vortex + Herald - Full screen explosions
ELE [2.4 HC | Video Guide] VORTEX Elementalist/Chieftain build | Iron Will | Righteous Fire
ELE [2.3] Elementalist CI Crit Vortex
OCC [2.3] Occultist CI degen chaos vortex chaos conversion
ELE [2.3/2.4] Elementalist Vortex build, in-depth guide
ELE [2.3]I Can't Believe It's Not Discharge!® - LL RF DoT Vortex Elementalist [Updated]
ELE [2.4] Burning Vortex Double Degen Tank - Budget to Riches Witch/Elementalist Build Guide - HC or SC fire conversion
NEC [2.4] The Shaman Tank (Aegis/Vortex ci) fire conversion
ELE [2.4.0] Burning Vortex Elementalist
NEC [2.4] Vortex Necromancer using Decay and The Scourge + chaos damage from essence of delirium
ELE [2.4] Phoenix Ignition Elementalist (Vortex (w/Uber Lab Footage)) fire conversion
OCC [2.4][ESC] Vortex LL Occultist with huge ES Recovery (T15/Atziri viable)
OCC 2.3 Occultist Detonate dead AKA Purple death.
ELE [2.2] Crit Elemental Overload DD Elementalist
ELE [2.3] DD Elementalist / Safe, Powerful, Budgetfriendly, No Reflect
NEC [2.3] Oddopsi's Budget Necromancer. HC/ATZIRI VIABLE!
ELE [2.4][SC/HC Viable] Detonate Dead SSF - cheap, strong and new player viable (Video)
OCC [2.2] Fireball carpet bomber - 10k ES , 184 GMP dps (CI ,VP) / 708k single target flame surge
ELE Budget Fireball Elementalist
ELE [2.2] Elementalist: Non-Crit Fireball, 4 Rolling Flames; Single Target Flame Surge
ELE [2.4] Great Balls of Fire || Hardcore Viable, Beginner Friendly
ELE [2.4] JSs Elementalist Life Prolif Fireball. One Shot Bosses (Million Damage Burn, 400k+ DPS)
OCC [2.4] Occultist Tri-Curse Chaos Fireball [WIP]
ELE [2.4]PewPewPews Official Cheap Firestorm Build - Selffound possible!/Atziri Viable!
OCC [2.4] Legasi's Masterpiece - Trivialize Bossfights! Atziri & Uber Guide Inside! (HC viable) chaos conversion
ELE [2.2] ELE Firestorm/Heralds A Storm of Frost, Thunder and Ash
ELE Elementalist Firestorm Witch 2.3 - Blood Magic
ELE [2.4] Ender of the Realms Elementalist Firestorm
ELE [2.2 Perandus] Cheap, Easy, Beginner Friendly Flameblast Elementalist (Video Added)
ELE [2.3] Tichel's Elementalist Detonate Dead or Flameblast
ELE Cheap Prolif Flameblast, HC viable - 2.3 updated
ELE Elementalist Flameblast Feat 2x Obliteration BOOM CHAIN
ELE [2.2] Flameblast Ignite Elementalist - lvl 100 Perandus SC
ELE TankyBlast™ - Elementalist [SC/HC] [2.3]
ELE [2.3 Video Guide] Cheap Meta Pizza Blaster [HC/SC/Uber Izaro Viable]
ELE 2.4 CI Ignite Flameblast by Waldgaist - Shaper viable
ELE [2.4 Flameblast] The first independent build that cracks end-game contents
ELE [2.4] Rhox's Hardcore 14 Grand Spectrum [Insert skill gem here] Shaper Killer
ELE [2.4/2.5] - slocsies Flameblast Queen T15+ viable (Hybrid/Vita) Budget
NEC 2.4 (HC Essence league) Balrog whip lash build, 211k+ DPS ( 72/71 Block/Spell Block )
NEC [2.2][The Masochistic Soul Collector] Max Block, RF, Scold's Incinerate [VIDEO]
ELE [2.4] Fistan's Incinerate Elementalist - 130K tooltip - 9.3K ES - Guardian Viable
OCC [2.4] Incinerate build that actually works! (Witch/Occulist/Fire/Chaos/4 curses/Hybrid)
ELE [2.4] Nextguy's Magma Orb
ELE [2.4] Self Cast Molten Shell Elementalist uses scolds bridle
OCC [2.4] Yalani's Low Life Righteous Fire Build - 160k-880k DPS - 15k ES +Eva/Armour - T15/Uber viable
ELE [2.4]RighteouSplosion Elementalist RF + burst on hit
ELE [2.4]The Big RF Elementalist - Fast Clearer
OCC [WIP] 2.4 CI Scorching Ray Occultist Tri-curse
NEC [2.4] HC viable capped Block/Spell Block Scorching Ray Necromancer
ELE [2.3] TheGrillfriend
ELE [2.3] The CI Living Bomber(Vaal RF/Lameblast)[Video Guide/explanation]

ELE [2.4] Whaitiri's Crit Arc Witch - beginner-friendly, flexible & fun Mind over Matter-Caster
ELE [2.3]FoxTactics Hellfire Arc build [Full conversion fire arc] Vaal righteous fire one shot fire conversion
ELE this is my 90 low life full fire conversion arc prolif elementalist fire conversion
OCC [2.4] LL Crit Arc Occultist - Budget/CI version included - Core viable
ELE [2.3] Ball Lightning Elementalist - strong and cheap - leveling & video guide - great for new league
ELE 2.2 - "Blue Fireball" - Pure fire non-crit Ball Lightning Elementalist [Budget, SC, HC viable (?)]
OCC [2.2] Occulist/CI/Crit/Brotherhood Blue Balls of Death
ELE [2.4] Non-crit flexbile BL Elementalist EO+CI
ELE ♫ [2.3] BurningWarp Elementalist Prolif, insane clear speed, Atziri and Uber Lab farmer
ELE [2.2] Shaper of Desolation / Non-crit Shock Nova / HC / Cheap
ELE [2.2] Tri5 Curse EB MOM ZO crit Shock Nova Elementalist w Videos
OCC 2.2 Self-Cast Crit/Proj Speed Spark - 115k+ DPS - Fast Maps up to Tier 15, Fast Bosses/Atziri
NEC [2.2] [HC] Spark Max Block Necromancer
ELE Chilly burn spark (technically finite dps) fire conversion
OCC [2.3] Occ Low Life Crit Voltaxic Sparker chaos conversion
ELE [2.3] Elementalist Voltaxic Spark Really good high map clear speed+viability (t13+) and good life chaos conversion
ELE [2.3]SparkPierceCritShatter GlassNuke cold conversion
NEC [2.4] LL Scourge Necromancer crit Sparker / WIP
ELE [2.2 Storm Call Elementalist]Righteous Caller of the Flames fire conversion
NEC [2.2] PSC Necromancer God of Lightning Build Guide with videos
ELE [2.2] Fastest stormcaller elementalist on wild Wraeclast [STORM CALL WITCH NEAR 120k DPS]
ELE [2.4] Vic´s Flameblast Call Elementalist, double curse, armor, MoM, cheap starter. HC essense ready. stormcall + flameblast
OCC [2.4] "THE BUZZ OF CHAOS" Vaal Sparks Decay Build - Occultist (Fast clear, It works!)

OCC [2.2 HC Self-Found Guide] Self-cast Non-crit Bladefall! Beginner Friendly, Full Walk-through
OCC [2.2] Sherkhan's Bladebender [Occultist quad-curse Bladefall]
OCC [2.4 ESC] MyCat’s Chaotic Bow Blade (LL/CI Tri-Curse Bladefall)
OCC [2.4] "The Lawn Mower™" God Tier Blade Vortex / UBER & Core deathless / with video! Huge 2.4 update
OCC [2.2] Lawn Mower lite - Dual curse LL Bladevortex. Mowing on a "budget"
NEC [2.2] Ele BeyBlade, Tank Necromancer ( up to 276k dps )
OCC [2.2] The Occultist Vortex Blader - [PSC] LL Endgame Experimental Theory
NEC 2.3 Poison Block Vortex Budget Supertank -- League Starter (new vid)
ELE [2.3 Video Guide] The Taming Ember's Vortex Elementalist [HC/SC & Atziri Viable (Possibly Uber)]
ELE 2.3 Infernal Bladevortex. Mission failed, yet! fire conversion
OCC [2.4]Speedy Decay Build chaos damage from essence of delirium
OCC [2.4] Crit Blade Vortex Tons of Damage + Survivabilty
NEC [2.4] Auto-Offering Necromantic Blade Vortex uses kitava's thirst
NEC [2.4] Essence Necromancer || The Scourge || This is not Another BV build || Core Malachai done
OCC [2.4] ESC - Cheap - CI Quad Curse Kitava Occultist Blade Vortex / Shaper Down w/ Video
OCC [2.4] Non-Shav's Low Life Blood Magic BV Chaos Occultist
NEC [2.4] The "CheesyScourge" Chaos BV Decay Hungry Abyss Necromancer
OCC [2.2+]Essence Drain RF UBER/ALL BOSS
OCC [2.2] Occultist (Contagion + Essence Drain) Beginner starting build
OCC [2.2] Lowlife Contagion/Essence Drain - Hc Viable
OCC [2.2] Low Life Tri-Curse Poison Essence Drain Occultist - Uber Viable, 10k+ ES, 40k+ DoT dps
ELE [2.2] Windz's Lazy Essence Drainer HCP (no contagion)
OCC [2.3] Tanky Good DPS Low-life Occultist Essence Drain Dual Curse [Atziri viable]
NEC [2.3] Essence Drain/Contagion NECROMANCER - HC Viable, Low Budget to get started
NEC Drain Tank build: Essence drain necro, 200%+ life, 75/75% block, MoM, AA and Lightning coil [2.3]
OCC (2.4) "Dbum's Occultist Essence Drain With a F***ing Bow!" CI/LL, ZO, Duel Curse | HC/SC uses selfcrafted bow
OCC [2.4 HC | Video Guide] Essence Drain Occultist aka "The Bastion" | 8-link & Iron Will | life based
OCC [2.2]Low Life Ninja - 180k DPS Crit EK, 9.7K ES, No Mirrors Required!
OCC 2.2 The Ultimate Self-Cast Crit EK Build/Guide (Occultist Witch) - 418k+ DPS / Quad Cursing
OCC [2.4] Lehenaa - Crit Low Life Ethereal Knives ~500k DPS
NEC [2.4]Dragon Jooced - "Pick Your Poison" Necromancer has Bladefall + BV variants
OCC [2.4] Tri Curse Tri Charge Chaos EK Occultist [SC/HC Viable]
OCC [2.4] Witchfire Occultist of Innsbury, EK chaos poison Innsbury chaos conversion

{2.4} Necronomicon / Raise Spectre Monster Info basic infos for classic summoners
NEC {2.4} Spectral Gods: Goat Simulator Classic Summoner
NEC [2.2] Lasgo's Tanky Crit Spectral Summoner focus on spectres
NEC [2.3] Spectre/Curse/Aura Necromancer with MoM/EB/ZO. Beginner friendly
NEC [2.2] Army of Zoom (with Video) - Necromancer SRS, Spectre, Zombie build
NEC [2.3 Video Guide] Beginner's Build: 4 Keystone Spectre Summoner [HC/SC/Atziri/Uber Atziri Viable]
NEC [2.3 Video Guide] Beginner's Build: 5 Keystone Horror Summoner [HC/SC/Atziri Viable]
NEC [2.4] The Classic Zombie, Spectre Auramancer 12 Auras! Very good solo aswell as Party! With Stream
NEC [2.2] The Gravelord Nito build
NEC 2.4 Improved Guide on Leary's Auramancer (UBER! viable classic summoner, 945-2027k dps, ez MF/Lab)
NEC [2.2] Necromancer: Undying Grappler Summoner [Softcore]
NEC [2.2] Spectacular Spectres - Ultimate Utility Guardian (No SRS) with videos. Low-Cost
NEC [2.4] Miger's Knitted Horrormancer
NEC HORRORMANCER - low budget beginner friendly
NEC Electrified Punkheads[2.2] Classic necro plus SRS, and Midnight Bargain, ft. Charge-O-Rama!
NEC [2.3] Queen of the Dead | Low Life Classic Summoner | Solo & Party viable
NEC 2.4 Necromancer Spectre/SRS Angryaa Spectres + SRS
NEC [2.4] Spectre, Zombie, Raging Spirits, MoM, EB, Dual Curse Summoner Zombies, Spectres + SRS
NEC [2.4] Viper Summoner HC [Atlas Of Worlds] Max Block, Max Spell Block Super Tanky Zombies, Spectres + SRS
NEC [2.4] Montregul's Grasp Defensive Necromancer Zombies
NEC [2.4] Mon'thregul Standart Necromancer
OCC [2.4] Occultist Summoner - You will never want to play Necro again! Spectres
NEC [2.4]Crit Malachai's Loop Summoner power charge/crit build
NEC [2.4] The Skeleton Queen (24 skeletons / 60 seconds / over 300% minion damage) (With videos) Skeletons only
NEC [2.2] One Dozen SkeleMages focus on skeletons
NEC [2.3 Video Guide] Beginner's Build: Lich Queen Skeleton Summoner [HC/SC/Atziri/Uber Izaro Viable] focus on skeletons
NEC [2.4] - HC Summoner w/ 3 curses, golems, spectres + 7 zombies [guide for fresh start, budget] Golems + spectres
NEC [2.4] Kaz's Classic Summoner Build Guide
NEC Path Of Exile 2.4 - Necromancer shaper kill build
NEC [2.2.1] The Explosive Sheep°78/71% Block Chance°750 Life Gain per Block°OS BOSS minion instability
NEC [2.2] Rathma's Chosen - Attack/Summon Hybrid melee hybrid
NEC [2.4] "The Battle Queen" || Double Strike/Auto-Summoner Hybrid melee-kitava summoning hybrid
NEC [2.4] Plaguemancer || Beacon of Corruption Degen || Budget damage source: poison cloud on spectre death
NEC [2.4]Caustic cloud spectres Necromancer damage source: poison cloud on spectre death
NEC Perandus Pure Life Srs in progress + 2.2 Deathless uber srs(STD)
NEC [Ascendancy] Angryaa's SRS Spectre Necromancer.
NEC [2.4] Pure SRS *Cheap* *Atziri* *Magic Find* *Endgame Viable*
NEC (2.2) [PHC] BM Necromancer SRS 8.7k life, fast clear
NEC [2.2.2d] Badreinigers CI SRS Witch Necro Summoner
NEC Temp League SRS
NEC [2.2][NEC]Femur of the Saints and Queen's Decree Armour Based Summoner PHC
NEC [2.2] PHC #1 Necromancer lv100 SRS build
NEC [2.3] Necromancer SRS - 1H + Shield. Max Block. Extreme Defense & Offense. [T15 + Atziri viable]
NEC [2.3] BM Keystone SRS
NEC [2.4] The Poet - SRS + Blasphemy Enfeeble+TempChains
NEC [2.3] LL / SRS / Support / Necro / BloodMagic keystone [Endgame Viable]
NEC [2.4] Saltizard's Raging Summoner [CI SRS]
NEC [2.3] Srs Build 8k life, tons of Dmg ( PvE,PvP)(The Build for the Lazy)
NEC 2.3 NEC SRS SUPP " The dishwasher " Safe, Fast , hight damage
NEC [2.3/2.4]Dragon Jooced - Support/SRS Necromancer
NEC [2.4] Necro SRS Self-found ZERO budget Build
NEC [2.4] Essence of Hysteria SRS Max Block Necromancer
NEC [2.4] Merisc's LL Necro Uber SRS Summoner(1.9Mil+ dps) 9 Auras
NEC [2.4] [CI SRS] Chaos Inoculation Summon Raging Spirit (Shaper Viable)
NEC 50 SRS in one second, a Null's Inclination Summon Raging Spirits build Animate Weapon, SRS with Null's
NEC [2.4] Beacon of Corruption SRS Necromancer damage source: poison cloud when spirits expire
NEC Animate weapon Necromancer with MoM, updated for 2.2 Patch!
NEC [2.2] Dead Men of Dunharrow (Animate Weapon Summoner) Max Block, EB/MoM. Atziri Video!
NEC [2.3]PHC Zoomancer Weapon Animator - 200+ minions. Atziri viable Safe and Fast clearspeed
NEC [2.3] Animate Weapons of Mass Destruction (EB/ZO/MOM/NA/EE)
NEC [HC 2.3] Necromancer Animate Weapon Atziri viable
NEC [2.3] Animate weapon SIX AURA of GLUTTONY
NEC [2.3] Animate Weapon Summoner featuring Cloak of Tawm'r Isley
NEC [2.4] [WIP] Chaos Animate Weapon Necromancer (EHC, level 97)
NEC [2.4] Totem + 2 Essence Worms Animate Weapon Necro on totem
NEC [2.2] MOosChaosArmy Null's Inclination Beacon of Corruption 3Curses MaxBlock HC/SC Animate Weapon, SRS with Null's
NEC [2.4] Whaitiri's Chaotic Null's Inclination Necro - all map mods, 73/65 block without Rumis Animate Weapon, SRS with Null's
NEC [2.4] Cospris Dual Curse Nulls Necromancer - The VooDoo Mistress Animate Weapon, SRS with Null's
OCC [2.2] CI Poison Blink arrow/Mirror arrow Occultist Summoner (level 95 Perandus)
NEC [2.2] Elemental Blink/Mirror arrow summoner
NEC [2.2] Kamikaze Yourself! Blink / Mirror Arrow ☺ Minion Instability ☺ Low life ☺ Purities ☺ Max Block
NEC [2.2][SC][NEC]Mirror Arrow Trap & Skeletons' Totem - A cheap and beginner friendly build
NEC [Prophecy, 2.3.0] Hardcore Blink arrow / Mirrow arrow Necromancer trapper capped block
OCC [2.3] Clonemancer: One For All, All For One (Uber Viable, Millions of DPS)
NEC [2.3 SC] The Hipster Member of Pale Council (self-cast Mirror/Blink, 4 Blasphemy curses, 9 jewels)
OCC [2.3 HCP] BDY's 20k ES Mirror Arrow/Blink Arrow Boss Killer Occulist - UBER Atziri down!
NEC [2.4] Dariidar's Blink & Mirror Arrow Necromancer- 10k EHP, 75/75 block, t15 viable
NEC [2.2] Summon Raging Inferno (3 x 6L flame golem) Flame Golem
NEC [PoE 2.4 ESC] Necro Golemancer - LowLife Triple Stone Golem Stone Golem
NEC [2.4] Dancing Dominatrix - The Dancing Dervish / Dominating Blow Melee Necromancer Dancing Dervish

ELE [2.4] Better than Inevitable Judgment: ES AoF Elementalist Warchief Totem with 97% Fire Penetration
div [2.4] Dual Flame Totem Crit version. 263k dps (400k possible) . Uber and Normal Atziri
ELE 2.2 Perandus Explosive Arrow Totems (Cheap, high dps ,over 6k Life w/ MOM)
OCC [2.4] HCE SearingBond 75k tooltip + Quad curse Occultist
OCC Freezing Pulse: [2.2][Occultist] Sire of Shatters (Dual Freezing Pulse totems feat. EB+MoM+Tri-curse Blasphemy)
ELE Ice Nova: [2.3] Beginner-friendly Easy-Peasy Ice Nova Dual-Totem
NEC Flameblast: [2.4] Low Life Necro Flameblast Totems Ft The Scourge Terror claw/ 400% IAS Whirling! Videos added
NEC SRS: [2.2] Necromancer - Dual totem SRS EE + 9 Zombies and 3 Specters
NEC SRS: [2.2] [HC] LL SRS SpellTotem aura necromancer blood magic

ELE Multi-Skill elementalist. Taming/Emberwake. Tanky/fast clearspeed. Never boring. can be played with a lot of different spells
blast rain ELE 2.4 Nuros Elementalist - ShatterRain Ranger 100% cold damage with nuro's harp
burning arrow ELE [2.3] Burning Arrow Elementalist || Insane Clear Speed, Solid Defenses and Budget (Atziri Viable)
caustic arrow OCC [OCC] CI Caustic Arrow - Atziri Down
caustic arrow OCC [2.2 OCC] CI Hidden Potential Caustic Arrow Uber Atziri viable
caustic arrow OCC [2.3] KrazyEd's CA Occultist- 3-4 Curse DoT Resistance Crusher
caustic arrow OCC [2.3 Build Guide] Lurifaxx's Soul Ward Occultist! [HC/SC/Atziri Viable]
caustic arrow OCC [2.4] Caustic Arrow - CI
explosive arrow OCC [2.2 Occ] KuteKitteh's CI EA Regen Tank - Durable w/10k ES, instant clear, EZ-Atziri, affordable!
explosive arrow OCC [2.2] CI Explosive Arrow Crazy ES Regen
explosive arrow ELE [PHC] Witch explosive arrow NO GMP / Lvl 98 & 100 with Aeiko
explosive arrow ELE [2.3] Explosive Arrow Elementalist (HC, Fast Clear)
explosive arrow ELE [2.3] Explosive Arrow Elementalist - Insane Clear Speed with 11 Grand Spectrum
explosive arrow ELE [2.3] Explosive Arrow Elementalist Witch [PSC]
explosive arrow ELE [2.4] Explosive Arrow - Elementalist Build Guide
explosive arrow ELE [2.4] I Prepared Explosive Arrows This Morning! This is a Buff.
ice shot ELE [2.2] Ice Shot Elementalist - Lots of Ice explosions! Fast clear speed
lightning arrow ELE [2.3] Boulz's Grand Spectrum Lightning Arrow Conflux Build (High Budget / HC viable)
lightning arrow ELE Windripper elementalist CI 130k+/175k+ LA dps 7arrows, solo reflect immune 219iiq/404iir, top mf uses Windripper
split arrow ELE Doomfletch's Prism Elementalist (Budget and strong) [Top30 PHC] uses Doomfletch's Prism
split arrow OCC [2.4] The Slivering Abyss - Trashy Toxic Blooddrenched Occultist Imploder. [CI+DoT+Slivertongue]
ELE [PHC 2.3] AutoHerald Elementalist Heralds as main damage source
ELE [2.4]The FireFly (Burning HoT - insane damage) Herald of Thunder as main damage source; fire conversion
cyclone OCC [2.4 ESC] SPINNIN' SIS // Occultist Cyclone // 13k+ ES // 300k+ DPS
dominating blow NEC [2.2] Meleemancer, Complete Domination
dominating blow NEC [2.4]Scourge Knight - Dominating Blow Max Block Necromancer
dominating blow NEC [2.4]The Scourge || Dom Blow || Kitavas or Crown of Eyes
earthquake NEC [2.2] Yesterday's Minion-less Necritmancer (Crit - Block - Melee Witch) uses Hegemony's Era
earthquake ELE [2.2] Burining Earthquake Elemetalist (Avatar of Fire) fire conversion
earthquake ELE [2.3] Meltquake - Earthquake Degen Elementalist [PHC] bleed+poison
elemental hit ELE [2.2 ELE] CI Melee Elemental Hit + Tri-Elemental Damage Elementalist
facebreaker/infernal blow ELE [2.3] Offscreen Melee Witch: FB/IB Elementalist- Insane Prolif Chains
flicker strike ELE [2.2] EmberStrike - 2h Flickerstrike - Insane damage
flicker strike ELE Sherkhan's Aerialist [triple curse CI pure physical Flicker Elementalist]
flicker strike OCC OCC [2.2] CI Dagger Budget Flicker Strike
flicker strike ELE [2.2] [HC] Oro's Flicker Strike Elementalist, HC Perandus
flicker strike ELE [2.2]The Supreme Gentleman's Oro's Elementalist with VMS [videos coming soon]
flicker strike ELE [2.3 HC] HecticHippo's Elementalist Oro's Flicker Strike. Tanky, fast, fun.
flicker strike ELE [Ele]CI Oro's Flicker currency farmer (HC)
frost blades ELE [2.3] FROSTBLADES WITCH 5/6 KEYSTONES EB + MOM + ACRO + PHASE ACRO tanky insane dps! by STOYA
ice crash ELE [2.3]The Burning Ice - Ice Crash Oro's Elementalist uses Oro's Sacrifice
ice crash ELE [2.4]Ice Crash Brain Rattler Elementalist
lacerate OCC [2.4/2.4.2] Two Handed Sword Witch / Occultist / Starforge Lacerate
reave NEC In Progress: 'Shadow Knight' - Claw Max Block Tank Necromancer (REAVE) - "The Scourge"
reave NEC [2.4] Scourge Poison Reave ☠ 75/75Block,19kArmor,+693Life on Block,Face Tank T16Boss
sunder NEC [2.2] Varuni's Death Knight (Varunastra - Necromancer melee/block tank) uses Varunastra
sunder OCC [2.3] Poison vacuum cleaner bloccultist
sunder NEC [2.4] Poison Sunder Necromancer
sweep NEC [2.2][HC] Crit Staff Necromancer 30k DPS 70% block, 6k Life + Fortify uses Hegemony's Era
unarmedELE 2.3 Doryani's fist - Angry Charger - Ice crash Elementalist uses Doryani's Fist
wild strike ELE [2.2] The Wild Spellblade | Elementalist | Pure Elemental Wild Striker
wild strike ELE (2.4) Way of the Grand Spectrum X10 (Wild Strike Elementalist) HC Essence League
wild strike ELE The Goddess gone Wild (TGU - wild strike - perma buff) uses Goddess Unleashed
OCC [2.2] Culler-support. Now also budget! - Full MF | 12.6kES | 7 Auras + Guardian
OCC [2.2] Lowlife BM 10Aura 3-6Curse EE Conduit Hard Support - NO ENLIGHTEN NEEDED aura support
OCC 2.2 Notive's Tanky Low Life Blood Magic Occultist Septa/Hexa Curse Blasphemy Cheeser curser
NEC [2.3] Necromancer: Aurabot Support Build [HC / SC] aura support
NEC [2.3] SRS Auramancer LL Witch SRS + aura support
NEC [2.4] SRS LL Auramancer MF guide SRS + aura support
OCC 2.3 WItch Supporter 11 Aura / 3-4 Curses + More aura support
NEC [2.3 Video Guide] Auramancer Pseudo Support Build Guide [HC/SC/Atziri/Uber Atziri/Uber Izaro Viable] classic summoner + aura support
NEC Summoner_from_wraeclast summoner + aura support
NEC [2.4] 12 Aura | 2 Curse Necrobot: The Legend of Aura aura support
NEC 2.3 Necromancer Support 12auras and 3curses aura support
NEC [2.4] The Public Party Princess aura support
NEC [2.4] Endgame-Support-Auramancer. WIP aura support
NEC [2.4] The Tooltip Medic ♥ Comprehensive Aurabot Guide aura support
NEC [2.4] ESC Solo Support with Spectral Spirits (nope, I don't have a lisp) playable without group
OCC [2.4] Occultist CI Ice-Shot Curser - LVL 100 HC Essence
Ball Lightning traps ELE [2.3] Elementalist: The Sire of Ignites - Ball Lightning Trapper, guide & videos uses Sire of Shards
Bladefall mines OCC [2.3]CI Bladefall BOOM BOOM mines with poison, Tri-curse, deathless uber at 82. Affordable.
Bladefall mines OCC [HC] Video 2.2 Bladefall poison miner occultist atziri/high maps triple curse CI ES
Bladefall mines OCC [2.4] Time-wicked Miner, Occultist 3 curses. Uses bow. Extremely tanky, easy T15 & Uber Lab farm
Bladefall mines OCC EB Triple Curse Occultist Bladefall Miner [HC Atziri farmer+curse-bot]
Bladefall traps OCC [2.3] CI Occ Crit Trap Bladefall
Bladefall mines OCC 【2.3】ViViiiii's Temporal Chains Posion Miner Everything You might interested to know
Bladefall mines OCC [2.3] Xirgil's Cranker Blocker Curser Occultist (multiple builds)
Bladefall traps OCC [2.4] Two and a Half Curse Bladefall Trapper CI Occultist [HC/SC Viable][UBER ATZIRI DOWN!]
Bladefall mines OCC [2.4]Mine Bladefall - Two-Curse CI | Uber Farming (Low Budget)
Detonate Dead traps OCC [2.4] Brofessional Necrophiliac 11k+ ES, Uber Viable, Millions of DPS (with Videos) chaos conversion
Fire Nova minesELE [2.2] [Ele] Ignatius: Fire Nova Mine Screen Sweeper
Fire Nova minesELE 2.4 The taming + Emberwake FNM Elementalist
Ice trap OCC [2.2] Black Mage - Low-life Grenade Trapper
Ice trap ELE [2.4] -273,15 °Crit-Trapper (Shaper viable) + Budget Version (< 3 exa) fire conversion
Vortex traps ELE [2.4] Double Dipping DoT Dreams | CI Vortex Trapper
OCC [2.4] CI CoC Discharge by Rico (barely reanimated) coc
ELE [2.4] Bucket Down CoC LL Elementalist (CoC still alive) coc
ELE [2.4] CoC Vortex Elementalist *Insane dps* 2-3 shot Guardians - Shaper down! [Video Inside] coc
ELE [2.4]Cyclone Mjölner (Coc Replacement) Mjölner Discharge
ELE [2.4.0] Tanky RF Elementalist mjolner witch, volls not required Mjölner Discharge
ELE [2.4] Hysteric arrow build fire burst on hit
ELE [2.4] Hysteria Vortex - a story of Fire Burst and an Elementalist fire burst on hit
OCC 10 spells Abaxoth on Cocaine CWDT Build,HC and Uber Atziri Viable triggering CwDT with heartbound loop
OCC 2.2 and 2.3 Nuclear Sojourner - Shield Charge + CWDT - Insane triggering CwDT with scold's bridle + shield charge
OCC [2.4] Khelsie’s AFK CWS CI Occulist [Tri-Curse] afk build with CwS
ELE [2.4] Tank with up to 2.5 Milions DPS !!! One issue : CWS !!! CwS
NEC [2.4.1] [EHC] Lepor's Coffee While Stunned Block Cap Necromancer CwS
-----WANDS (Frost wall no longer works with own projectiles in 2.4!)
OCC [2.4] Legasi's Fallen Angel elemental wander
ELE [2.2] One-click screen clear: Emberwake/Taming KB Wander Elementalist elemental wander
ELE [2.3] Elementalist Wander | Fast Clear Speed, Reflect Immune elemental wander
ELE [2.3.x] Elementalist LowLife Kinetic Blast - Fast Clear, Uber viable elemental wander
ELE [2.3]Dela's Obliterate Build CHEAP & FAST clears 200% life UPDATED corpse detonation with Obliteration
OCC [2.2] Occultist - Profane Bloom Chaos Wander corpse detonation
ELE [2.3] The great Herald of Chaos! by Akilander Obliteration + Heralds
OCC [PoE 2.4] Pure Chaos (CI BV Occultist Obliteration) corpse detonation with Obliteration

1.0 - 2.4 Builds
Last edited by Support#0000 on Dec 1, 2016, 9:44:33 PM
Last bumped on Nov 30, 2016, 1:22:32 PM
Last edited by Bada_Bing#4191 on Jul 26, 2015, 3:50:19 AM
i agree, my ci cold crit witch is almost unaffected except for 2-3 aura loss, you might need to modify some stuffs on the guides though.
I am looking for a good fire witch build, anyone running one in 1.0?
I haven't played in quite a while, but when I was I was working on the 7 aura EB summoner build. Is there an update on that at all, or is anyone working on a similar build?
Here's my classic ci cold crit witch updated for 1.0

Kuro's Classic CI Cold Crit Witch
Last edited by kuromahou#7517 on Oct 27, 2013, 11:37:46 AM
Here's my classic ci cold crit witch updated for 1.0

Kuro's Classic CI Cold Crit Witch

no vaalpact and a couple bad decissisions, this build isnt good. And you shouldnt go for the templar side.

Explain me how you want survive reflect + a couple of mobs hitting you without vaal pact?

Last edited by chack#0690 on Oct 27, 2013, 12:37:52 PM
the build is good, kuro.
kuromahou wrote:
Here's my classic ci cold crit witch updated for 1.0

Kuro's Classic CI Cold Crit Witch

the build is ok....cant realy get vaal pact now...too many wasted points to get at the bottom of the tree
kuromahou wrote:
Here's my classic ci cold crit witch updated for 1.0

Kuro's Classic CI Cold Crit Witch

the build is ok....cant realy get vaal pact now...too many wasted points to get at the bottom of the tree

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