didn't see my name in the credits

Elynole wrote:
ignarsoll wrote:

If the list is not incorrect, each of those for;

Gold Pack
Diamond Pack
Gold Pack
Exalted Pack


Ahh, I just figured they'd put our names in their once. Oh well.

There is a specific someone (huge thanks) that his name shown 12 times in the credits, at first I couldn't comprehend what was happening.
No longer a forum dweller, please use PM for contact purposes.
Last edited by ignarsoll on Oct 25, 2013, 4:20:30 PM

Woot! In there twice "AgentSmith (Soldiers of the Wasteland)"
Finest Hardcore Gaming Guild ~Soldiers of the Wasteland~ sotwguild.com
Last edited by AgentSmith5150 on Oct 25, 2013, 4:36:29 PM
Elynole wrote:
My name was in there 4 times...lol

Here's a list of folks that appear more than once.

12 XvXReaperXvX
12 deoxys
6 Lagruell
5 Ross 'Dracule' Campbell
5 Redex
5 Jesse Norris
5 ghoest
5 David H (Davros70)
4 ualac
4 Nicklas 'Mizzajl' Hansen
4 Metronomy
4 Jared Chandler
4 Hakurei
4 Elynole
4 Dudebag
4 DevilJade
4 Daviking
4 Christian Xzender Jobacker
4 CelticHound / Timothy Byrd
4 Aux
4 Arjun Chakraborty - ac429
3 Zinger86
3 Zenzoma
3 Whoaness
3 Ville Hahtonen
3 Victo
3 Twinseeker
3 Tom Bueters
3 Thor Fris Jespersgaard
3 Thomas Middeldorp
3 Thomas Grosse-Gehling
3 Steffen 'ililolili' Hegvik
3 Slimwaterman
3 Sleekray
3 sharkh20
3 Serein
3 SeismicSushi
3 Rix2k
3 Riv3n
3 rehpycoren
3 Ran 'chaosblade' Sagy
3 Oroboro
3 Nikolaus T. Küster
3 nifbor
3 Nickoladze
3 Myrmi
3 MrPetrov
3 Morsexier RNG Rage, Duke
3 Maximilian J. Kessel
3 MaidenPain
3 Lyralei
3 _Lokken
3 Lauri 'Laturi' Rantanen
3 Lachis
3 Joss 'Obadonke' Smith
3 Josh Schult
3 Jane Paulsen
3 Gramercy
3 Gaza
3 Francis Falardeau
3 Fiveby5
3 FaceLicker
3 Durentis
3 Dinovash
3 David 'Kaledon' Sokol
3 Conduct
3 Chris Wilson
3 Chillbear
3 Cagan 'Covert' Burrows
3 Axonn Echysttas
3 Austin Kellenberger
3 AriesEMP
3 André Kleilein
3 Alpan 'ephetat' Yıldırım
3 alaizon
2 Zyx
2 Zrux
2 Zombie_Raptor
2 zenzen
2 Zelpo
2 ZeeL
2 Xx_Dregon_xX
2 xreasonz
2 xalwaysrollinx
2 Will JD Cotter
2 William Liang
2 WhiteBoy
2 Vyre
2 Volker Hohenadl
2 Virtual_NooB
2 Velomek
2 VarthDaver
2 Unshra
2 Unknown_User
2 Ulani
2 Tyrm
2 Tynie
2 treptw
2 Travis Oudshoorn
2 Tony Banck
2 Tobias 'quroN-browQ' Iwarson
2 Tink
2 Tim Brouwer
2 Thomas Röhler
2 therestless
2 TheOfficial
2 Tertium_Quid
2 Ten_of_Swords
2 Tandimonium
2 Sungur
2 striker035
2 Stian 'Linki' Ellingsen
2 Steven Feng Ye
2 stabbylord
2 Soroban
2 solo11
2 SneakyLemon
2 Slurms
2 skreeblios
2 skela
2 Silundan
2 Shawn Wang
2 Shawn 'Vlord' Ward
2 sharmafactor
2 Scott Barratt
2 ScoobyShotU
2 Saltychipmunk
2 Saifyyur
2 Ryan Summerhayes
2 Ryan 'StringZ' Griffith
2 Ryan Best
2 rpvm
2 Rory Rackham
2 Ronnie Grønvall
2 Roman Rziankine
2 Rob Vargo (MLO_SauronSatan)
2 Robert Dudley
2 Robbie Malcolmson
2 ReklaM
2 reimur
2 RegallyBlue
2 Raycheetah =^[.]^=
2 RavenLore
2 Raafje
2 QixunZ26
2 Purdy
2 Puffinmypurp
2 Puckz
2 Prozon
2 profix
2 Pohizzzle
2 piscator123
2 Pinchyskree
2 Phlayre
2 Ph33lon
2 Per Marcussen
2 Penumbra450
2 Pawnu
2 Paul 'Kingkongor' Bartholomeus
2 Patrick 'The Mann' Trang
2 Passoul303
2 parrot2k
2 Onur Akdeniz (ignarsoll)
2 Oleg Lokhvitsky
2 Olafffi
2 Okugi
2 Ocylix
2 Nuro
2 N!uK
2 NuclearRaven
2 Nostrum
2 Niio
2 netracer
2 Neokolzia
2 Nathan Stone
2 Mummah
2 MouZe
2 Morthwyll
2 MonstaMunch
2 MonopolyLegend - Chase Louviere
2 MonkeyBoy6682
2 Molly Kalafut
2 Mitchell Roberts
2 Mira Lin
2 Minnzor
2 Millar Clelland
2 Michele Colombo
2 Michael Minihuber
2 Michael Hausmann
2 Michael Dioguardi
2 MFJones
2 Methodical_Prodigy
2 MayhemBane
2 Matt Wallace
2 Mattmayer
2 masama
2 Martin V G
2 Markku Harju
2 Marcelo de Mattos Salgado
2 Marcel Kömpe (PoisonSin)
2 man078
2 Makenx
2 Magistrial
2 magiceffect
2 Lukasz Kaczynski
2 LordAmras
2 Levi Jordan (Dragon585)
2 Leivi
2 Legendknewl
2 Lazerus
2 Ladderjack
2 L0descreen
2 Kumshtis
2 Kristen
2 krakerman
2 Kraide
2 Koshinator
2 Komal Tejwani
2 Kohrock
2 Kinne
2 Khaycen
2 Kevin Walsh 'SirLoin'
2 Kevin van den Oetelaar
2 Kemichal
2 Kedlize
2 Kansalis
2 Kalestyn
2 Kadren
2 JumboMaverick
2 jujuman
2 Josh Courrier
2 Jonathan 'Wittgenstein' Litewski
2 Jonathan Rogers
2 Jonathan Marich
2 John Kerwin
2 Joe and Jake D'Elia
2 Jennfire
2 James 'KiwiKing' Robinson
2 IVIrPorter
2 Itherael
2 ionface
2 Ioa Petra'ka
2 Invisibility
2 Insanity Industries
2 iMistaBond
2 imDx
2 Ilco Luchies
2 icydragon9
2 iamacyborg
2 Hypnotiks
2 Hyaon
2 Hugonaught
2 Hrishikesh Sidhartha
2 Hooblah
2 Hackusations
2 Gulruon
2 Grivarn
2 Grimrath
2 Greg 'Floytesangen' LaPrest
2 GreatSerpent
2 GreatRazious
2 Grantorus
2 Grandor
2 Grafite
2 Goose
2 GodspeedYou, Vegans!
2 Gloam
2 Giovanni R
2 geradon
2 Garrett 'Gmoney' Cobb
2 Funding
2 fumy1903
2 Fredrik Lavén
2 Fireknight
2 Fightgarr
2 fenmalain
2 fatalis77
2 Ezekiel_
2 exsar
2 ever_night
2 Erik Richards
2 Erik Olofsson
2 Epicine
2 Emmanuel Roberge
2 Eirikh91
2 Earendel
2 Duster66
2 Drudley
2 Dropbear_Victim
2 Drexion
2 DrekiSal
2 DoomCloud
2 Donato 'ricin' Sinicco, III
2 doddo
2 djrhymz
2 Devoware
2 DDWannabe
2 DayOnePatch
2 David Caudron
2 Daniel Neely
2 Daniel 'Darkviper777' Guitart
2 crzytimes
2 creutz0124
2 Count_Slurp
2 Cooledge
2 Clint Townsend
2 Clayton Workman
2 Ciknay
2 Christopher Williams
2 Charles Nadeau
2 ChaosPlanet
2 Chameleon
2 Carl de Visser
2 carkasjak
2 Caovi
2 Calixta
2 Caimont
2 Bunnu
2 Buhh
2 Buadyen
2 Brixtan
2 Brian Weissman
2 Brandon Saffell
2 Bradley Beenau
2 borlur
2 BooWooHoo
2 Bolto
2 Bogi
2 bluewhale
2 bigbill19
2 bhgninja
2 Ben Jess
2 bchan
2 Barnabas 'SpudOfDoom' Hyland
2 Bakanaide
2 asangar
2 ARPGfan
2 aPairOfTonfa
2 Anders Nilsson
2 Amit Jeena
2 Alientank
2 Alexandra Michael
2 Alexander Gusakov
2 Alcifer
2 Akenmaat
2 Aico
2 AgentSmith (Soldiers of the
2 Adriano Cassano (Darion Acsaon)
2 Adankhar
2 ablekoontz
2 4hyuna
Anyone familiar with Jeff Dunham; My take of the Credits, from Jeff's Old Man ventriloquist doll point of view.

"Holy crrraaaaaappppppp...my freaking eye's are bugging out...has anybody ever heard of ABCDEFG?...it's like looking for a freakin needle in a haystaaaack..."

Seriously guy's, alphabetical order would be much easier on the eye's. And I didn't see my name in there. Before anyone points out my displayed level of support, I don't display my highest level. I feel that is private between myself and GGG.

Last edited by RutRoh on Oct 25, 2013, 6:03:09 PM
RutRoh wrote:
Seriously guy's, alphabetical order would be much easier on the eye's. And I didn't see my name in there. Before anyone points out my displayed level of support, I don't display my highest level. I feel that is private between myself and GGG.

DoomCloud wrote:
RutRoh wrote:
Seriously guy's, alphabetical order would be much easier on the eye's. And I didn't see my name in there. Before anyone points out my displayed level of support, I don't display my highest level. I feel that is private between myself and GGG.


was that a question?
[quote="Ludvator"]yes GGG fix lightspeed or i quit[/quote]
Last edited by skinnay on Jan 9, 2015, 8:07:58 AM
DoomCloud wrote:
Elynole wrote:
My name was in there 4 times...lol

Here's a list of folks that appear more than once.

12 XvXReaperXvX
12 deoxys
6 Lagruell
5 Ross 'Dracule' Campbell
5 Redex
5 Jesse Norris
5 ghoest
5 David H (Davros70)
4 ualac
4 Nicklas 'Mizzajl' Hansen
4 Metronomy
4 Jared Chandler
4 Hakurei
4 Elynole
4 Dudebag
4 DevilJade
4 Daviking
4 Christian Xzender Jobacker
4 CelticHound / Timothy Byrd
4 Aux
4 Arjun Chakraborty - ac429
3 Zinger86
3 Zenzoma
3 Whoaness
3 Ville Hahtonen
3 Victo
3 Twinseeker
3 Tom Bueters
3 Thor Fris Jespersgaard
3 Thomas Middeldorp
3 Thomas Grosse-Gehling
3 Steffen 'ililolili' Hegvik
3 Slimwaterman
3 Sleekray
3 sharkh20
3 Serein
3 SeismicSushi
3 Rix2k
3 Riv3n
3 rehpycoren
3 Ran 'chaosblade' Sagy
3 Oroboro
3 Nikolaus T. Küster
3 nifbor
3 Nickoladze
3 Myrmi
3 MrPetrov
3 Morsexier RNG Rage, Duke
3 Maximilian J. Kessel
3 MaidenPain
3 Lyralei
3 _Lokken
3 Lauri 'Laturi' Rantanen
3 Lachis
3 Joss 'Obadonke' Smith
3 Josh Schult
3 Jane Paulsen
3 Gramercy
3 Gaza
3 Francis Falardeau
3 Fiveby5
3 FaceLicker
3 Durentis
3 Dinovash
3 David 'Kaledon' Sokol
3 Conduct
3 Chris Wilson
3 Chillbear
3 Cagan 'Covert' Burrows
3 Axonn Echysttas
3 Austin Kellenberger
3 AriesEMP
3 André Kleilein
3 Alpan 'ephetat' Yıldırım
3 alaizon
2 Zyx
2 Zrux
2 Zombie_Raptor
2 zenzen
2 Zelpo
2 ZeeL
2 Xx_Dregon_xX
2 xreasonz
2 xalwaysrollinx
2 Will JD Cotter
2 William Liang
2 WhiteBoy
2 Vyre
2 Volker Hohenadl
2 Virtual_NooB
2 Velomek
2 VarthDaver
2 Unshra
2 Unknown_User
2 Ulani
2 Tyrm
2 Tynie
2 treptw
2 Travis Oudshoorn
2 Tony Banck
2 Tobias 'quroN-browQ' Iwarson
2 Tink
2 Tim Brouwer
2 Thomas Röhler
2 therestless
2 TheOfficial
2 Tertium_Quid
2 Ten_of_Swords
2 Tandimonium
2 Sungur
2 striker035
2 Stian 'Linki' Ellingsen
2 Steven Feng Ye
2 stabbylord
2 Soroban
2 solo11
2 SneakyLemon
2 Slurms
2 skreeblios
2 skela
2 Silundan
2 Shawn Wang
2 Shawn 'Vlord' Ward
2 sharmafactor
2 Scott Barratt
2 ScoobyShotU
2 Saltychipmunk
2 Saifyyur
2 Ryan Summerhayes
2 Ryan 'StringZ' Griffith
2 Ryan Best
2 rpvm
2 Rory Rackham
2 Ronnie Grønvall
2 Roman Rziankine
2 Rob Vargo (MLO_SauronSatan)
2 Robert Dudley
2 Robbie Malcolmson
2 ReklaM
2 reimur
2 RegallyBlue
2 Raycheetah =^[.]^=
2 RavenLore
2 Raafje
2 QixunZ26
2 Purdy
2 Puffinmypurp
2 Puckz
2 Prozon
2 profix
2 Pohizzzle
2 piscator123
2 Pinchyskree
2 Phlayre
2 Ph33lon
2 Per Marcussen
2 Penumbra450
2 Pawnu
2 Paul 'Kingkongor' Bartholomeus
2 Patrick 'The Mann' Trang
2 Passoul303
2 parrot2k
2 Onur Akdeniz (ignarsoll)
2 Oleg Lokhvitsky
2 Olafffi
2 Okugi
2 Ocylix
2 Nuro
2 N!uK
2 NuclearRaven
2 Nostrum
2 Niio
2 netracer
2 Neokolzia
2 Nathan Stone
2 Mummah
2 MouZe
2 Morthwyll
2 MonstaMunch
2 MonopolyLegend - Chase Louviere
2 MonkeyBoy6682
2 Molly Kalafut
2 Mitchell Roberts
2 Mira Lin
2 Minnzor
2 Millar Clelland
2 Michele Colombo
2 Michael Minihuber
2 Michael Hausmann
2 Michael Dioguardi
2 MFJones
2 Methodical_Prodigy
2 MayhemBane
2 Matt Wallace
2 Mattmayer
2 masama
2 Martin V G
2 Markku Harju
2 Marcelo de Mattos Salgado
2 Marcel Kömpe (PoisonSin)
2 man078
2 Makenx
2 Magistrial
2 magiceffect
2 Lukasz Kaczynski
2 LordAmras
2 Levi Jordan (Dragon585)
2 Leivi
2 Legendknewl
2 Lazerus
2 Ladderjack
2 L0descreen
2 Kumshtis
2 Kristen
2 krakerman
2 Kraide
2 Koshinator
2 Komal Tejwani
2 Kohrock
2 Kinne
2 Khaycen
2 Kevin Walsh 'SirLoin'
2 Kevin van den Oetelaar
2 Kemichal
2 Kedlize
2 Kansalis
2 Kalestyn
2 Kadren
2 JumboMaverick
2 jujuman
2 Josh Courrier
2 Jonathan 'Wittgenstein' Litewski
2 Jonathan Rogers
2 Jonathan Marich
2 John Kerwin
2 Joe and Jake D'Elia
2 Jennfire
2 James 'KiwiKing' Robinson
2 IVIrPorter
2 Itherael
2 ionface
2 Ioa Petra'ka
2 Invisibility
2 Insanity Industries
2 iMistaBond
2 imDx
2 Ilco Luchies
2 icydragon9
2 iamacyborg
2 Hypnotiks
2 Hyaon
2 Hugonaught
2 Hrishikesh Sidhartha
2 Hooblah
2 Hackusations
2 Gulruon
2 Grivarn
2 Grimrath
2 Greg 'Floytesangen' LaPrest
2 GreatSerpent
2 GreatRazious
2 Grantorus
2 Grandor
2 Grafite
2 Goose
2 GodspeedYou, Vegans!
2 Gloam
2 Giovanni R
2 geradon
2 Garrett 'Gmoney' Cobb
2 Funding
2 fumy1903
2 Fredrik Lavén
2 Fireknight
2 Fightgarr
2 fenmalain
2 fatalis77
2 Ezekiel_
2 exsar
2 ever_night
2 Erik Richards
2 Erik Olofsson
2 Epicine
2 Emmanuel Roberge
2 Eirikh91
2 Earendel
2 Duster66
2 Drudley
2 Dropbear_Victim
2 Drexion
2 DrekiSal
2 DoomCloud
2 Donato 'ricin' Sinicco, III
2 doddo
2 djrhymz
2 Devoware
2 DDWannabe
2 DayOnePatch
2 David Caudron
2 Daniel Neely
2 Daniel 'Darkviper777' Guitart
2 crzytimes
2 creutz0124
2 Count_Slurp
2 Cooledge
2 Clint Townsend
2 Clayton Workman
2 Ciknay
2 Christopher Williams
2 Charles Nadeau
2 ChaosPlanet
2 Chameleon
2 Carl de Visser
2 carkasjak
2 Caovi
2 Calixta
2 Caimont
2 Bunnu
2 Buhh
2 Buadyen
2 Brixtan
2 Brian Weissman
2 Brandon Saffell
2 Bradley Beenau
2 borlur
2 BooWooHoo
2 Bolto
2 Bogi
2 bluewhale
2 bigbill19
2 bhgninja
2 Ben Jess
2 bchan
2 Barnabas 'SpudOfDoom' Hyland
2 Bakanaide
2 asangar
2 ARPGfan
2 aPairOfTonfa
2 Anders Nilsson
2 Amit Jeena
2 Alientank
2 Alexandra Michael
2 Alexander Gusakov
2 Alcifer
2 Akenmaat
2 Aico
2 AgentSmith (Soldiers of the
2 Adriano Cassano (Darion Acsaon)
2 Adankhar
2 ablekoontz
2 4hyuna

Most of us are in there twice due to getting both gold and exalted packs :P
"Minions of your minions are your minion's minions, not your minions." - Mark
skinnay wrote:
why isn't charan on that list?

Because he has 2 different names listed? Not sure. He also picked up the Ruler pack.

Here's the output:

~$ grep -i charan credits.txt
Charan Jaydemyr
RutRoh wrote:
DoomCloud wrote:
RutRoh wrote:
And I didn't see my name in there.


was that a question?

Guess I was wondering if Ctrl+F didn't work for you because I see your name on the list.

~$ grep -i rutroh credits.txt
Steve S. 'RutRoh'

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