Spectral Throw
im not sure when, but somebody brought this up in global and i didn't know how to answer...
the wording on abyssus has been changed, and no longer states the crit multi is for melee weapons. it now states "140% increased melee critical strike multiplier". how does this relate to spectral throw now? it uses a melee weapon, but is it not a melee skill. also, how would it affect puncture and elemental hit? they are melee skills but can also be used at ranged. so what exactly constitutes "melee crit dmg"? is it a combination of both melee skill used with a melee weapon?? |
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Melee Damage (and thus any other Melee-specific modifier) is mutually exclusive with Projectile Damage. ST deals Projectile Damage.
However, the Disemboweling cluster has undergone the same rewording, but word has it that Disemboweling's Crit bonuses still show up on the Spectral Throw tooltip. It might be the case that these modifiers were reworded, but did not actually change function (ie. someone somewhere fucked up). Puncture, Frenzy and Elemental Hit are only Projectile Attacks when used with a Projectile weapon (wand/bow). If you're holding a Melee weapon, you perform a Melee Attack, dealing Melee Damage. |
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" this again and deals 58% base damage for the lvl 21 is a bit "low", it should be at about 75-80% at least |
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As others have posted before me here, i find it incredibly annoying to have to use shift attack to not run into packs when clicking out of range/being out of mana. Would love to have an option to change this behaviour.
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With the current changes to all attack gems, somehow spectral throw was left behind by all bow and melee attack skills. Why isn't there an increase to the gem's damage? Not only is ST at 60% effectiveness, but it has 0% increased damage, unliks. All other attacks received a MORE damage modifier instead of their "increased" one, but ST received no such buff, forcing it to "eat the dust" of all other attacks in terms of damage.
Is the situation with ST going to be revised??? Last edited by ivkoto77777#0822 on Jul 14, 2015, 5:38:49 AM
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One thing I (think I) noticed early on was that I was not getting the same benefit from ST linked to Life Gain on Hit and LMP. I remember using ST with LGoH and being invincible for the early part of the game. I tried it after 2.0 and it doesn't seem to work anymore.
I DID read something about how projectiles can't "shotgun" enemies anymore. Does this affect ST as well? Can you describe the mechanics of how this skill works in terms of the spectral weapon hitting one or more enemies? If using LMP, can 2 or 3 spectral weapons hit the same enemy? Thanks. |
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" No. This has been the case for a very long time. Every Spectral Throw volley has its own timer; it cannot deal damage to a given target more than once every 300 milliseconds. Monsters are generally more dangerous than before, is what you're seeing. Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Jul 14, 2015, 2:45:44 PM
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ok so I think someone needs to look at spectral throw again. You've finally managed to bring low life back down to earth somewhat, so much has changed, and where is spectral throw now? Its a nerfed into oblivion relic sadly, Im completely with the nerfs at all the stages given how it was being scaled, given the grief with' GGG hates melee' etc, the usual pantomime... but it really is a different landscape now and I feel like its time to dig up this particular corpse.
It just doesnt do enough damage, is what it boils down to I think. Not just a little off, its miles off. Obviously its a skill you have to be careful with, theres the purists in the community who just love to hate spectral throw and see it as a mechanical abomination, if its too good then certain principals become sensitive, but it really needs a decent buff. Spectral throw is really fun, cyclone is fun, arc is fun, theres just skills that a lot of people are going to play if theyre in a decent place. I think theres to much weight on the idea in the community that if a lot of people are playing something its a problem and that skill needs nerfed. When Tornado Shot was as good as Split Arrow most people played Tornado Shot, now that Split Arrow is clearly better people play Split Arrow. People complained about Tornado Shot but the truth is it goes "BOOM BOOM BOOM" and it was more fun than chain split for most people, it just felt really good. Do people really want to play flame totem? Is that a really fun engaging skill for most of the people playing it right now? Some skills just have to be ridiculously op before a large part of the community is going to play them, and the reason they are being played is because in balance terms theyre a problem. Theres other skills that are going to be a blip on that radar constantly if the skill is even average in balance terms because theyre fun and people, when given a choice, flock to those skills. I would argue its a problem when those skills are not a blip on that radar because that tells you one of the most popular, fun skills that people want to play in your game is so dysfunctional most people are struggling to even make a passable build with it. Thats spectral Throw right now, and has been for such a long time outside of low life. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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" I agree whole-heatedly that Spec throw needs to be looked over again. I -loved- this skill, it's the first and only skill I bought an MTX for because I love how it plays. Now sadly, leveling with it is pathedic and SLOOOOW compared to anything else currently. I mean, I understand why it was nerf'd with low-life builds scaling it through the roof and such. I'd like to see the 1.2 8% damage at all levels removed and put back to maybe the 1.1 status, or slightly buff it. Right now, it's just hardly playable as a main skill or even leveling skill. |
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Can we get any information or atleast a reply from anyone in GGG about the current state of Spectral throw? Am I and a lot of other people missing some potential or power of the current gem?
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