Curse on Hit

SO Incinerate + curse on hit + crit weakness + blind + (gmp/lmp) + faster casting wouldnt be compareable? wouldnt the added damage gems be only a small effect from incinerates low damage effectiveness?
AltimaNZ wrote:
SO Incinerate + curse on hit + crit weakness + blind + (gmp/lmp) + faster casting wouldnt be compareable? wouldnt the added damage gems be only a small effect from incinerates low damage effectiveness?

ever since close beta i keep hearing that "added damage gems in low effectivness..." and etc thingy-- it's faulty logic that.

p.e. if you have a skill with 500% effectivness and 10sec cast time, an added gem, will add the same dps as in a skill with 5% effectivness and 0,1sec cast time.

now, an added gem has 20%effectivness, but you hit at a base of 0,16sec/cast. that is 6,25casts/sec. that means that at a base level the actually effectivness of incinerate for added damage gems is actually 125% DPSecond. AND that is before the stage multipliers come into play:

a stage 3 incinerate does 400% damage, bringing the actual multiplier to 500% effectivness.

so, with lets say +150% spell damage, a level 20 added lighting damage gem will add (in the last stage of incinerate):

(5-101)*2.5*5= 662.5 dps

the very same gem with the same setup on say a fireball (a 100% effectivness spell with 0,85 casting time) will add

(5-101)*2.5*(1/0.85)= 155.9 dps

yet a lot of people still say: don't use added damage on low % effectivness... while completly disregarding casting speed/misc modifiers

so far, i don't ave a 6l on my incinerate build, but incinerate+blind+fastercasting+lmp/addedchaos+faster projectiles is what i use.

Last edited by shroudb#3225 on Nov 2, 2013, 10:15:30 AM
Doesn't work with lightning trap.
Thank you shroudb , consider me enlightened. :)
Curse on Hit + Any curse + Ranged Totem + any bow gem (tried RoA and LA) does not work.

Only seem to work if you personally did the damage. Things such as traps or totems cant proc off this, but the tooltip shows that it is possible =X

Can we get a mod to see this?
I was wondering the same about traps... it's been reported since the beginning, are they working on it?
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The skills proc's when "you" do damage:

- A Shield is coming out of your body and so it is you doing doing the damage.
- A Skill is coming out of your body and so it is you doing the damage.
- A Minion is out of your control and so it isn't you doing the damage.
- A Trap or a Minion is not a hit you deal directly and so it isn't you doing the damage.

Yeah, Minions not procing this makes sense. However, in theory a trap should work, since it was you who laid the trap.

With all that theory babbled. I find little specific use for this gem. It takes 3 slots to use and saves you nothing but a little Mana cost and a fraction of a second. Plus isn't even guaranteed to proc the curse.

The only thing I can see this being useful for is for those players that would like to use more then 8 skills. If M1, M2, M3, Q, W, E, R and T are all taken and you want to use a curse, I suppose this would allow you to kinda use it 28% of the time..... lol.

Dev's should probably rework this gem into either:

1) A 100% Chance, that adds an additional Mana cost to the supported Gem. This would allow for those who want to save a skill button for other things.


2) A 28% chance that can be tied to any skill. This would allow for traps, minions, etc...
Last edited by tinygod81#6988 on Nov 3, 2013, 10:52:16 PM
Thought that Curse on Hit only needs a linked curse to auto-curse enemies, not that I have to waste 2 slots with my attack skill.

Worthless piece of gem-shit.

+ "Curses cast via this trigger no longer possess their AoE effect, only affecting the enemy hit with the linked skill."

Spectral Throw
great again
tinygod81 wrote:
The skills proc's when "you" do damage:

well... the skill doesn't really say that, it says:
"Supported Skills have a chance to apply supported curses on hit", and the trap tooltip also says "has a chance to apply a curse", so...
I linked it with lightning trap, and those lightning balls hit enemies...

the dev should clarify the gem if it isn't really "on hit" but only on attacks or spells other than mines and traps...

did anyone tried this gem with shockwave totem?
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Last edited by kodr#0209 on Nov 4, 2013, 8:28:13 PM

This gem seems almost useless given that Curses can trigger 100% of the time using Cast on Damage Taken.

What seems better:

a) 30% chance on hit and waste 2 support gem slots on an offensive skill's link; or
b) 100% chance on being hit and use 1 support gem slot on a defensive Cast on Damage Taken link?
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Last edited by unsane#5479 on Nov 5, 2013, 10:09:47 PM

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